다음을 통해 공유

Creating Virtual Directories Using ABO

After you implement the IMSAdminBase interface, you can use the AddKey method to create new nodes in the metabase.

The following example shows you how to use the C++ programming language to use AddKey and other necessary methods to create a virtual directory using ABO. Make sure that you are not using precompiled headers, and that you include the "UNICODE" preprocessor definition.

// Precompiled headers: Not Using Precompiled Headers 
//   (otherwise causes a C1010 error)
// Preprocessor Definitions: include UNICODE 
//   (otherwise causes multiple C2664 errors)

#define STRICT
#define UNICODE
#define INITGUID
#define WINVER 0x0400
#define _WIN32_DCOM

#include <WINDOWS.H>
#include <OLE2.H>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <initguid.h>

#include "iadmw.h"
#include "iiscnfg.h"

// Just #define the data and paths to simplify the sample. 
// Note that all vroots of a new server must go under the root 
//   node of the virtual server.  In the following statements, 
//   the virtual server (1) is "/lm/w3svc/1".  The new vroot 
//   will go underneath "/lm/w3svc/1/root" 

// Also note that these strings are UNICODE 
#define NEW_VROOT_PATH  TEXT("newvroot") 
#define NEW_VROOT_PARENT TEXT("/lm/w3svc/1/root") 
#define NEW_VROOT_FULLPATH TEXT("/lm/w3svc/1/root/newvroot") 

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
  IMSAdminBase *pcAdmCom = NULL;   // COM interface pointer 
  HRESULT hresError = 0;  // Holds the errors returned by the IMSAdminBase API calls 
  DWORD dwRefCount;  // Holds the refcount of the IMSAdminBase object  

  DWORD dwResult = 0; 

  METADATA_HANDLE hmdParentHandle;  // This is the handle to the parent object of the new vdir. 
  METADATA_HANDLE hmdChildHandle;  // This is the handle to the parent object of the new vdir. 

  if (argc < 2) 
    puts ("Usage: Create_vdir <machine name>\n  Ex: Create_Vdir adamston1\n\n"); 
    return -1; 

  printf ("You will be adding a new VRoot path in the metabase. \n" 
    "  Machine Name: %s\n" 
    "  Path: %s\n" 
    "  Full Path: %s/%s\n", 

  // These are required for creating a COM object. 
  IClassFactory * pcsfFactory = NULL; 
  COSERVERINFO csiMachineName; 
  COSERVERINFO *pcsiParam = NULL; 

  // Fill the structure for CoGetClassObject. 
  csiMachineName.pAuthInfo = NULL; 
  csiMachineName.dwReserved1 = 0; 
  csiMachineName.dwReserved2 = 0; 
  pcsiParam = &csiMachineName; 

  // Allocate memory for the machine name. 
  csiMachineName.pwszName = (LPWSTR) HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (strlen (argv[1]) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR) ); 
  if (csiMachineName.pwszName == NULL) 
    printf ("Error allocating memory for MachineName\n"); 
    return E_OUTOFMEMORY; 

  // Convert Machine Name from ASCII to Unicode. 
  dwResult = MultiByteToWideChar ( 
    strlen (argv[1]) + 1, 
    strlen (argv[1]) + 1); 

  if (dwResult == 0) 
    printf ("Error converting Machine Name to UNICODE\n"); 
    return E_INVALIDARG; 

  // Initialize COM. 
    hresError = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); 

    if (FAILED(hresError)) 
    printf ("ERROR: CoInitialize Failed! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
        return hresError; 

  hresError = CoGetClassObject(GETAdminBaseCLSID(TRUE), CLSCTX_SERVER, pcsiParam, 
              IID_IClassFactory, (void**) &pcsfFactory); 

  if (FAILED(hresError))  
    printf ("ERROR: CoGetClassObject Failed! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
        return hresError; 
    hresError = pcsfFactory->CreateInstance(NULL, IID_IMSAdminBase, (void **) &pcAdmCom); 
    if (FAILED(hresError))  
      printf ("ERROR: CreateInstance Failed! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
        return hresError; 

/* Important Section */ 

  // Open the path to the parent object. 
  hresError = pcAdmCom->OpenKey ( 

  if (FAILED(hresError))  
    printf ("ERROR: Could not open the Parent Handle! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
    dwRefCount = pcAdmCom->Release(); 
      return hresError; 

  printf ("Path to parent successfully opened\n"); 

  /* Add the new Key for the VROOT */ 
  hresError = pcAdmCom->AddKey ( 

    if (FAILED(hresError)) 
    printf ("ERROR: AddKey Failed! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
    hresError = pcAdmCom->CloseKey(hmdParentHandle); 
    dwRefCount = pcAdmCom->Release(); 
      return hresError; 

  printf ("New Child successfully added\n"); 

  // Close the handle to the parent and open a new one to the child. 
  // This isn't required, but when the handle is open at the parent, no other 
  // metabase client can access that part of the tree or subsequent child.   
  // Open the child key because it is lower in the metabase and doesn't conflict with as many 
  // other paths. 
  hresError = pcAdmCom->CloseKey(hmdParentHandle); 
  if (FAILED(hresError))  
    printf ("ERROR: Could not close the Parent Handle! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
    dwRefCount = pcAdmCom->Release(); 
      return hresError; 

  hresError = pcAdmCom->OpenKey ( 

  if (FAILED(hresError))  
    printf ("ERROR: Could not open the Child Handle! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
    dwRefCount = pcAdmCom->Release(); 
      return hresError; 

  printf ("Path to child successfully opened\n"); 

  /* The vroot needs a few properties set at the new path in order */ 
  /* for it to work properly.  These properties are MD_VR_PATH, MD_KEY_TYPE */ 
  /* and MD_ACCESSPERM. */ 

  METADATA_RECORD mdrNewVrootData; 

  // First, add the MD_VR_PATH - this is required to associate the vroot with a specific 
  // directory on the filesystem 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDIdentifier = MD_VR_PATH; 

  // The inheritable attribute means that paths that are created underneath this 
  // path will retain the property from the parent node unless overwritten at the  
  // new child node. 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; 

  // Now, create the string. - UNICODE 
  mdrNewVrootData.pbMDData = (PBYTE) NEW_VROOT_DIRECTORY; 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen (NEW_VROOT_DIRECTORY) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDDataTag = 0;  // datatag is a reserved field. 

  // Now, set the property at the new path in the metabase. 
  hresError = pcAdmCom->SetData ( 
    TEXT ("/"), 

    if (FAILED(hresError)) 
    printf ("ERROR: Setting the VR Path Failed! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
    hresError = pcAdmCom->CloseKey(hmdChildHandle); 
    dwRefCount = pcAdmCom->Release(); 
      return hresError; 

  printf ("Successfully set the vrpath\n"); 

  // Second, add the MD_KEY_TYPE - this indicates what type of key we are creating -  
  // The vroot type is IISWebVirtualDir 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDIdentifier = MD_KEY_TYPE; 

  // The inheritable attribute means that paths that are created underneath this 
  // path will retain the property from the parent node unless overwritten at the  
  // new child node. 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDDataType = STRING_METADATA; 

  // Now, create the string. - UNICODE 
  mdrNewVrootData.pbMDData = (PBYTE) TEXT("IIsWebVirtualDir"); 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDDataLen = (wcslen (TEXT("IIsWebVirtualDir")) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDDataTag = 0;  // datatag is a reserved field. 

  // Now, set the property at the new path in the metabase. 
  hresError = pcAdmCom->SetData ( 
    TEXT ("/"), 

    if (FAILED(hresError)) 
    printf ("ERROR: Setting the Keytype Failed! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
    hresError = pcAdmCom->CloseKey(hmdChildHandle); 
    dwRefCount = pcAdmCom->Release(); 
      return hresError; 

  printf ("Successfully set the Keytype \n"); 

  // Now, add the MD_ACCESS_PERM - this tells whether we should read, write or 
  // execute files within the directory.  For now, we will simply add 
  // READ permissions. 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDIdentifier = MD_ACCESS_PERM; 

  // The inheritable attribute means that paths that are created underneath this 
  // path will retain the property from the parent node unless overwritten at the  
  // new child node. 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDAttributes = METADATA_INHERIT; 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDUserType = IIS_MD_UT_FILE; 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDDataType = DWORD_METADATA; 

  //Create the access perm. 
  DWORD dwAccessPerm = 1; // 1 is read only 
  mdrNewVrootData.pbMDData = (PBYTE) &dwAccessPerm; 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDDataLen = sizeof (DWORD); 
  mdrNewVrootData.dwMDDataTag = 0;  // datatag is a reserved field. 

  // Now, set the property at the new path in the metabase. 
  hresError = pcAdmCom->SetData ( 
    TEXT ("/"), 

    if (FAILED(hresError)) 
    printf ("ERROR: Setting the accessperm failed! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
    hresError = pcAdmCom->CloseKey(hmdChildHandle); 
    dwRefCount = pcAdmCom->Release(); 
      return hresError; 

  printf ("Successfully set the accessperm\n"); 

  // We're done!!!  Just clean up. 
  hresError = pcAdmCom->CloseKey(hmdChildHandle); 
  if (FAILED(hresError))  
    printf ("ERROR: Could not close the Child Handle! Error: %d (%#x)\n", hresError, hresError); 
    dwRefCount = pcAdmCom->Release(); 
      return hresError; 

  printf ("\nYou Have successfully installed a new VRoot at %S\n", NEW_VROOT_FULLPATH); 

  // Release the object 
  dwRefCount = pcAdmCom->Release(); 

  return ERROR_SUCCESS; 