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HLSL Property Pages: Output Files


The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on docs.microsoft.com.

The latest version of this topic can be found at HLSL Property Pages: Output Files.

To configure the following properties of the HLSL compiler (fxc.exe), use its Output Files property. For information about how to access the Output Files property page in the HLSL folder, see How to: Specify Project Properties with Property Pages.

UIElement List

Header Variable Name
Specifies the name of an array that is used to encoded HLSL object code. The array is contained in a header file that is output by the HLSL compiler. The name of the header file is specified by the Header File Name property.

This property corresponds to the /Vn[name] command-line argument.

Header File Name
Specifies the name of the header file that is output by the HLSL compiler. The header contains HLSL object code that is encoded into an array. The name of the array is specified by the Header Variable Name property.

This property corresponds to the /Fh[name] command-line argument.

Object File Name
Specifies the name of the object file that is output by the HLSL compiler. By default, the value is $(OutDir)%(Filename).cso.

This property corresponds to the /Fo[name] command-line argument.

Assembler Output
Assembly-Only Listing (/Fc) to output just assembly language statements. Assembly Code and Hex (/Fx) to output both assembly language statements and the corresponding op-code in hexadecimal. By default, no listing is output.

Assembler Output File
Specifies the name of the assembly listing file that is output by the HLSL compiler.

This property corresponds to the /Fc[name] and /Fx [name] command-line arguments.

See Also

HLSL Property Pages
HLSL Property Pages: General
HLSL Property Pages: Advanced