Container Form
The container form is a chunk that contains other chunks such as segment or style forms. It can be contained within a segment or script file. It is organized as follows:
<conh-ck> // Container header chunk.
[<guid-ck>] // GUID for container.
[<vers-ck>] // Optional version information.
[<UNFO-list>] // Name, author, copyright information, comments.
<cosl-list> // List of objects.
This chunk contains a header structure.
<conh-ck> -> 'conh' ( <DMUS_IO_CONTAINER_HEADER> )
<guid-ck>, <vers-ck>, <UNFO-list>
For information on these three chunks, see Common Chunks.
The final element of the container form is an array of chunks that describe the objects in the container.
<cosl-list> -> LIST ( 'cosl'
Each object is stored in the following format:
<cobl-list> -> LIST( 'cobl'
<cobh-ck> // Required header
[<data> ] or [ DMRF-list ]
The first element is an alias, or alternative name by which this object is known within the container.
<coba-ck> -> coba( <WCHAR>... ) // Null-terminated string
The second element header for the object.
<cobh-ck> -> cobh ( <DMUS_IO_CONTAINED_OBJECT_HEADER> )
The header is normally followed by object data of the type specified in <cobh-ck>. This can be in the form of a RIFF chunk such as a Segment Form or a Style Form. If it is a DMRF-list, it is a reference to the object. For more information on DMRF, see Reference List.