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How to Write Cluster Resource DLLs

Posted September 10, 2004

Chat Date: September 7, 2004

Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity


Chat_Moderator (Microsoft)
Welcome to today's chat about “How to write cluster resource DLLs.”

This chat focuses on how to write cluster resource DLLs for making applications cluster aware. The topics will include when to create a cluster resource DLL, how to use Cluster Resource Type Wizard to quickly write resource and extension DLLs and some tips and best practices.

We are pleased to welcome our experts for today. I will have them introduce themselves now.

Host: Sutari (Microsoft)
I am an SDET(Dev-Test) with Cluster Test Team

Host: Raj (Microsoft)
I am Raj Das, Developer in Microsoft Server Cluster team.

Host: Karthikeyan (Microsoft)
Hi, I'm Karthikeyan, Software Design Engineer/Test, ClusteringHigh Availability Team

Host: Shon Shah (Microsoft)
My name is Shon Shah and I have been working with Cluster Test Team for last three years.

Host: Charlie (Microsoft)
Charlie has been with the Cluster Team since 1997 and has worked on most of the components since that time.

Chat_Moderator (Microsoft)
We will try and answer as many questions as we can today. Participants are welcome to post their questions for our experts in the lower window during today's chat. Our experts will repost your questions followed by their answers in the upper window.

Start of Chat

Host: Shon Shah (Microsoft)
Q: When can we expect an updated cluster wizard for one of the .NET platforms? (Visual Studio .NET 2002/2003)?
A: Work is in progress but we do not have specific release dates as of now

Host: Shon Shah (Microsoft)
Q: How would I go about writing a resource dll in Visual Studio 2002 or 2003?
A: Use a project created with VC6 wizard as a starting point. You may have to resolve some issues but those should be minor

Host: Sutari (Microsoft)
Q: Will it support writing a resource DLL in all the available .NET languages or still only C++?
A: Currently only C/C++ is supported. We are hoping to support .NET languages in future.

Host: Karthikeyan (Microsoft)
Q: Why was the IIS virtual instance resource dropped from 2003, and can we expect a replacement in an add-on or software download soon?
A: IIS virtual instance can be implemented using Generic Script resource type in Windows Server 2003

Chat_Moderator (Microsoft)
For those just joining us, today's chat is about “How to write cluster resource DLLs.” Please post your questions for our experts in the lower chat window.

Host: Charlie (Microsoft)
Q: Why was the IIS virtual instance resource dropped from 2003
A: The IIS team made the decision to drop the IIS resource type. There are scripts for use with Generic Script resource to switch from the old resource type to Generic Script resource…

Host: Sutari (Microsoft)
Q: If you use the 2002 cluster resource wizard to generate a cluster DLL, will that also run on windows 2003 server?
A: Yes, it will work.

Host: Raj (Microsoft)
Q: That is of course after fixing the ATL errors the wizard generates. Whenever I go to the property page it dies with an error message, is there a fix?
A: The Windows Server 2003 platform SDK should have the fix (June 2003?).

Host: Shon Shah (Microsoft)
Q: Why was the IIS virtual instance resource dropped from 2003, and can we expect a replacement in an add-on or software download soon?
A: The scripts to use with IIS and FTP resources can be found in %windir%\system32\inetsrv folderclusweb.vbs and cluftp.vbs. There is also a script called iis_switch.vbs to switch from old resource types to new ones.

Host: George (Microsoft)
Q: ATL Errors
A: I forget the exact ATL error, but it was a one line fix. (Prefixing a call with "::" if I'm not mistaken.) What was the exact error again?

Host: Shon Shah (Microsoft)
Q: There also appears to be a problem with the 2003 cluster wizard in that when registering the DLL, the system fails to recognize the full name of the resource. I can see it by doing a cluster resourcetype list, and the full name is (none), even when I specify it when registering it with cluster resourcetype add.
A: In this case you should try running depends.exe on the resource DLL, I have seen this when the resource DLL built is debug version and debug version of msvcr* DLL is missing. You can also try building the release version of the resource DLL.

Host: Shon Shah (Microsoft)
Q: The latest cluster wizards I have are dated Feb. 2003 (From the .awx files), is there newer versions?
A: No. Those are the latest ones.

Host: George (Microsoft)
Q: Type name is (none)
A: Yes, either the resource monitor can't load the dll or the type registration was incorrection.

Chat_Moderator (Microsoft)
If you've posted a question that we might have missed, please repost it. Thanks.

We will need to wrap up this chat in about 10 minutes. Please post any other questions that you would like us to answer. Thanks.

Host: Charlie (Microsoft)
How are people solving security related problems in writing a resource DLL? That is, the cluster service runs at elevated privilege and therefore you need to consider that impact...

For example, when a user changes a property that causes the service running as local admin to modify a system property, how do you handle allowing a lesser privileged user access this way?

Host: George (Microsoft)
Q: GenApp source released
A: In both the vc6 the beta vc7 wizards you can generate a close approximation of both genapp & gensvc.

Host: George (Microsoft)
Q: GenApp source
A: Also, the clipbook sample is based on the wizards' service options, so that's a good start as well. The file share sample shows how to depend on a service.

Chat_Moderator (Microsoft)
Thank you for joining us today on a Microsoft Community Chat to talk about “How to write cluster resource DLLs.” If you would like further information on this topic please visit the following URL(s):




You can also visit the following clustering related newsgroups:





Thanks, all!

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