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External .NET Framework Class Reference

Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1

External .NET Framework Class Reference

External .NET Framework Classes used by Microsoft.Rtc.Sip

  • System.ApplicationException class
  • System.Array class
  • System.Attribute class
  • System.Boolean class
  • System.Byte class
  • System.DateTime class
  • System.EventArgs class
  • System.Exception class
  • System.Int32 class
  • System.Object class
  • System.String class
  • System.Type class
  • System.Collections.ArrayList class
  • System.Threading.Thread class
  • System.Threading.ThreadPool class
  • System.Threading.WaitHandle class
  • System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity class

External .NET Framework Delegates used by Microsoft.Rtc.Sip

  • System.Threading.WaitCallback delegate

External .NET Framework Interfaces used by Microsoft.Rtc.Sip

  • System.IDisposable interface
  • System.Collections.ICollection interface
  • System.Collections.IEnumerable interface
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