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Microsoft.Lync.Controls Namespace


  Class Description
Public class AvailabilityIcon Reserved for internal use. (See PresenceIndicator).
Public class ContactBase Reserved for internal use.
Public class ContactButton Reserved for internal use.
Public class ContactCard The ContactCard control shows basic or detailed contact and organization information for contacts.
Public class ContactContentPresenter Reserved for internal use.
Public class ContactItem Reserved for internal use.
Public class ContactItemContentPresenter Reserved for internal use.
Public class ContactList Use the ContactList control to display the Lync contacts list, and give users the ability to launch voice, instant messaging (IM), or e-mail conversations with any of their contacts.
Public class ContactListGroupItem Reserved for internal use. This control is used to display the group nodes in a ContactList control.
Public class ContactListItem Reserved for internal use. This control is used to display the contact nodes in a ContactList control.
Public class ContactSearch ContactSearch combines the functionality of the ContactSearchInputBox and ContactSearchResultList controls into a single, self contained control.
Public class ContactSearchInputBox Use the ContactSearchInputBox control to enable users to search their organization for people based on name, phone number, or skill.
Public class ContactSearchResultList Use the ContactSearchResultList control to display the result of a search performed by the ContactSearchInputBox control.
Public class ControlColors Reserved for internal use. Defines a set of standard Brush colors which are used by Lync Control templates to emulate the look and feel of Microsoft Lync.
Public class ConversationContextualInfo A data structure which defines the contextual information that can be used to personalize and customize a conversation that is initiated by a Lync control.
Public class CustomContactList Use the CustomContactsList control to provide an arbitrary and non-hierarchical display of contacts and groups for specific contexts.
Public class CustomContactListItem Use the CustomContactListItem control with the CustomContactsList control to show basic or detailed contact and organization information for contacts.
Public class LyncServiceProvider Reserved for internal use.
Public class MyNoteBox Use the MyNoteBox control in Lync Control applications to display and change the current user's personal note.
Public class MyPresenceChooser The MyPresenceChooser control displays and changes the user's current presence status selection.
Public class MyStatusArea The MyStatusArea control displays the note string, an availability icon/photo, a textblock with the user's name, and a textblock with the user's location.
Public class PresenceIndicator The PresenceIndicator control displays one of several icons that indicate the presence of a given user.
Public class ResourcesWrapper Reserved for internal use.
Public class ScheduleMeetingButton Use the ScheduleMeetingButton control in Lync Control applications to open a Microsoft Outlook meeting invite dialog with a bound contact.
Public class SearchResult A data structure which contains a single search result. See ContactSearchInputBox.
Public class SearchResultCollection A data structure which holds the result set and metadata which describes a search operation that has been executed by the ContactSearch control.
Public class SelfBase Reserved for internal use.
Public class SendEmailButton Use the SendEmailButton control in Lync Control applications to launch the user's preferred email program and compose an email to a selected contact.
Public class SendFileButton Use the SendFileButton control in Lync Control applications to launch a conversation with a specified contact, and open a file selection dialog where the user can select a file to transfer to the contact.
Public class ShareDesktopButton Use the ShareDesktopButton control in Lync SDK applications to launch desktop sharing between the user who activated the control, and another user or group specified by the Source property.
Public class StartAudioCallButton Use the StartAudioCallButton control in Lync Control applications to enable the user to open a Lync conversation window and start a voice conversation between the user who activated the control, and another user.
Public class StartInstantMessagingButton Use the StartInstantMessagingButton control in Lync Control applications to enable the user to open a Lync conversation window and start an instant messaging conversation between the user who activated the control, and another user specified by the Source property.
Public class StartVideoCallButton Use the StartVideoCallButton control in Lync SDK applications to launch a video conversation between the user who activated the control, and another user specified by the Source property.
Public class SystemsColorsWrapper Reserved for internal use. Defines a set of standard Color values which are used by Lync Control templates to emulate the look and feel of Microsoft Lync.
Public class UCBase
Public class UCBase.PerformanceTracker Reserved for internal use.
Public class UCListBox Reserved for internal use.
Public class UCListBoxItem Reserved for internal use.
Public class UCTreeView Reserved for internal use.
Public class UCTreeViewItem Reserved for internal use.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ContactAvailability Contact Availability. Enumerates the possible states for a contact's aggregated availability.
Public enumeration ContactLayoutOption Possible layout views for ContactList and CustomContactList controls.
Public enumeration GroupByOption Grouping options for the ContactList control.
Public enumeration LyncControlInitializationError Enumerates the error that a Lync Control experienced in Initialization.
Public enumeration MenuContext Specifies the context in which a context menu is being used.
Public enumeration PhotoDisplayMode Specifies the display mode of the presence photo for PresenceIndicator
Public enumeration PopupPlacementMode Reserved for internal use. Specifies the relative position in which to display a popup contact card.
Public enumeration PresenceClickActions Represents the actions that can be taken when a user single-clicks on the availability icon
Public enumeration PresenceHoverActions Represents the actions that can be taken when a user hovers over the availability icon
Public enumeration SearchError Enumerated values which indicate the possible reasons for a search failure. See ContactSearch.
Public enumeration SearchState Enumerates the current state of the search operation.
Public enumeration SearchType Specifies the desired type of search to perform.
Public enumeration SortByOption Sort options for the ContactList control.
Public enumeration SyncState Enumerated values which identify the synchronization state of the search provider. See ContactSearch.