다음을 통해 공유

ReminderRemove Event

Occurs when a **Reminder**object has been removed from the collection.

Private Subexpression_ReminderRemove()

*expression   * A variable which references an object of type **Reminders**declared with events in a class module.


A reminder can be removed from the Reminders collection by any of the following means:

  • The Reminders collection's **Remove**method.
  • The Reminder object's **Dismiss**method.
  • When the user clicks the Dismiss button.
  • When a user turns off a meeting reminder from within the associated item.
  • When a user deletes an item that contains a reminder.


The following Microsoft Visual Basic/Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example displays a message to the user when a **Reminder**object is removed from the collection.

Public WithEvents objReminders As Outlook.Reminders

Sub Initialize_handler()
    Set objReminders = Application.Reminders
End Sub

Private Sub objReminders_ReminderRemove()
'Occurs when a reminder is removed from the collection
'or the user clicks Dismiss

    MsgBox "A reminder has been removed from the collection."

End Sub

Applies to | Reminders Collection

See Also | Reminder Event | Reminder Object | ReminderAdd Event | ReminderChange Event | ReminderFire Event | ReminderMinutesBeforeStart Property | ReminderOverrideDefault Property | ReminderPlaySound Property | Reminders Collection | Reminders Property | ReminderSet Property