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Recreates an entry identifier from its ASCII encoding.

Header file:


Implemented by:


Called by:

Client applications

  LPSTR sz,
  ULONG FAR * pcb,
  LPENTRYID FAR * ppentry


  • sz
    [in] Pointer to the ASCII string from which to create an entry identifier.

  • pcb
    [out] Pointer to the size, in bytes, of the entry identifier pointed to by the ppentry parameter.

  • ppentry
    [out] Pointer to a pointer to the returned ENTRYID structure that contains the new entry identifier.

Return Value

  • S_OK
    The recreation was successful.

    The entry ID was invalid.


The HrEntryIDFromSz and HrSzFromEntryID functions provide conversion between the string and binary formats of entry identifiers.

Notes to Callers

The HrEntryIDFromSz function allocates memory for the ASCII string using the MAPIAllocateBuffer function.