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Adjusts a pointer within a specified event notification array.

Header file:


Implemented by:


Called by:

Client applications and service providers

SCODE ScRelocNotifications(
  int cntf,
  LPVOID pvBaseOld,
  LPVOID pvBaseNew,
  ULONG FAR * pcb


  • cntf
    [in] Count of NOTIFICATION structures in the array indicated by the rgntf parameter.

  • rgntf
    [in] Pointer to the array of NOTIFICATION structures defining event notifications within which a pointer is to be adjusted.

  • pvBaseOld
    [in] Pointer to the original base address of the array indicated by the rgntf parameter.

  • pvBaseNew
    [in] The location to which ScRelocNotifications writes the new base address of the array indicated by the rgntf parameter.

  • pcb
    [out] Pointer to the size, in bytes, of the array indicated by the pvBaseNew parameter.

Return Value

  • S_OK
    A pointer was adjusted successfully.

    An invalid notification was encountered.


The pcb parameter to the ScRelocNotifications function is optional.

See Also

