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Describes an edit control that will be used in a dialog box built from a display table.

Header file:


Related macro:


typedef struct _DTBLEDIT
  ULONG ulbLpszCharsAllowed;
  ULONG ulFlags;
  ULONG ulNumCharsAllowed;
  ULONG ulPropTag;


  • ulbLpszCharsAllowed
    An offset from the start of the DTBLEDIT structure to a character string filter that describes restrictions, if any, to the characters that can be entered into the edit control. The filter is not interpreted as a regular expression and the same filter is applied to every character entered. The format of the filter is as follows:




    Any character is allowed (for example, "*").

    [ ]

    Defines a set of characters (for example, "[0123456789]".)


    Indicates a range of characters (for example, "[a-z]").


    Indicates that these characters are not allowed (for example, "[~0-9]").


    Used to quote any of the previous symbols (for example, "[\-\\\[\]]" means -, \, [, and ] characters are allowed).

  • ulFlags
    Bitmask of flags used to designate the format of the character filter. The following flag can be set:

      The filter is in Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, the filter is in ANSI format.
  • ulNumCharsAllowed
    Maximum number of characters that the user can type into the text box.

  • ulPropTag
    Property tag for a property of type PT_TSTRING. The ulPropTag member identifies the string property whose data is displayed and edited in the edit control.


A DTBLEDIT structure describes an edit control an area on a dialog box that contains alphanumeric information. Almost all dialog boxes have at least one edit control. Edit controls can be modifiable by a user or read-only.

Edit controls can also be single line or multiline. Multiline edit controls typically have a scroll bar associated with them.

For an overview of display tables, see Display Tables. For information about how to implement a display table, see Implementing a Display Table.

See Also




PidTagControlType Canonical Property


MAPI Structures