다음을 통해 공유

Message Service Tables

Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

The message service table contains information about the message services in the current profile. There is one message service table for every MAPI session, implemented by MAPI and used by special purpose client applications that provide configuration support.

The message service table is a static table.

Clients access the message service table by calling the IMsgServiceAdmin::GetMsgServiceTable method.

The following properties make up the required column set in the message service table:

PR_DISPLAY_NAME (PidTagDisplayName)

PR_INSTANCE_KEY (PidTagInstanceKey)

PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS (PidTagResourceFlags)

PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME (PidTagServiceDllName)

PR_SERVICE_ENTRY_NAME (PidTagServiceEntryName)

PR_SERVICE_NAME (PidTagServiceName)

PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILES (PidTagServiceSupportFiles)

PR_SERVICE_UID (PidTagServiceUid)

PR_DISPLAY_NAME is the displayable name for the message service and the default sort key column.

PR_INSTANCE_KEY serves as the index column for the table, uniquely identifying a row.

PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS describes the message service's capabilities.

PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME is the name of the DLL that contains the message service implementation.

PR_SERVICE_ENTRY_NAME is the name of the message service's entry point function that conforms to the MSGSERVICEENTRY prototype.

PR_SERVICE_NAME is a required entry in the [Services] section in MAPISVC.INF. The value for this property will never be changed or localized. PR_SERVICE_NAME can be used to programmatically identify the message service.

PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILES is a list of files that must be installed with the message service.

PR_SERVICE_UID is a unique identifier for the message service.

See Also


MAPI Tables