New Objects, Collections, and Enumerations (Project)
New Objects and Collections
The following objects and collections are added to the Microsoft Project 2010 object model.
Object or Collection |
Description |
Represents a group definition that includes the new MaintainHierarchy property. |
Contains a collection of Group2 objects. |
Represents a criterion in a group definition that includes the new CellColorEx and FontColorEx properties. The extended color properties enable specifying color with a hexadecimal value, for 16 million colors instead of just the 16 colors available in previous versions. |
Contains a collection of GroupCriterion2 objects. |
Represents a collection of Resource objects, where task assignments are more than 100% of the resource capacity. |
Contains a collection of resource-based Group2 objects. |
Contains a collection of task-based Group2 objects. |
For diagrams that show how the new objects and collections relate to other objects in Project 2010, see the following:
New Enumerations
The following enumerations are added to the Project 2010 object model.
Enumerations |
Description |
Constants that specify how to constrain assignment replanning. Used in the Replan method. |
Constants that specify the type of automatic filter. Used in the SetAutoFilter method for different fields. |
Constants that specify how to compare columns in two versions of a task or resource table. Used in the CreateComparisonReport method. |
Constants that specify how to compare items in two versions of a task or resource table. Used in the CreateComparisonReport method. |
Constants that specify the type of document to export. Used in the DocumentExport method. |
Constants that specify the type of local custom field. Used in the ChangeColumnDataType method. |
Constants that specify the type of filter for a view. Used in the FilterNew method. |
Constants that specify how to level assignments. Used in the LevelSelected method. |
Constants that specify whether new tasks start on the current date, the project date, or no specified date. Used in the NewTasksStartOn method. |
Constants that specify which tab in the Trust Center dialog box to use. Used in the OptionsSecurityTab method. |
Specifies the type of resource overallocation. Used in the OverAllocatedAssignments property. |
Constants that specify the page to show from Project Server. Used in the OpenServerPage method. |
Constants that specify which kind of problem a task has, for task warnings and suggestions. |
Constants that specify the style for the Team Planner view. Used in the EditTPStyle method. |
Constants that specify the type of task to insert in the timeline. Used in the TimelineInsertTask method. |
Constants that toggle whether to show or hide various features of the timeline. Used in the TimelineShowHide method. |
Constants that specify the type of view. Used in the ViewApplyEx method. |