다음을 통해 공유

Conversation.GetTable Method (Outlook)

Returns a Table object that contains rows that represent all items in the conversation.

Version Information

Version Added: Outlook 2010


expression .GetTable

expression A variable that represents a Conversation object.

Return Value

A Table object that contains rows that represent all items in the conversation.


The GetTable method returns a Table that has all items of the conversation as the rows. The default set of columns is shown in the following table.













By default, the rows in the table are sorted by the ConversationIndex property of the items.

To modify the default column set, use the Add, Remove, or RemoveAll methods of the Columns collection object.

The Table object returned by this GetTable method does not include items in the conversation that have been moved to the Deleted Items folder.


The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code example, DemoConversationTable, assumes that there is a mail item opened in an inspector. DemoConversationTable gets a Conversation object based on this mail item, and calls the GetTable method to get a Table of all the conversation items. To get specific information for each item in the conversation, which can span across stores, DemoConversationTable adds the store entry ID property, https://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x0FFB0102, as a column to the table. As DemoConversationTable enumerates each item (represented by a row) in the table, it uses the store entry ID property that corresponds to that item to call the GetItemFromID method of the NameSpace object to obtain the item object. The example then displays the subject and the number of attachments for that item.


Enumerating the conversation works only if the Outlook account is connected to a Microsoft Exchange Server that is running at least Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, or Outlook is running in cached mode against Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.

Sub DemoConversationTable() 
 Dim oConv As Outlook.Conversation 
 Dim oTable As Outlook.Table 
 Dim oRow As Outlook.Row 
 Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem 
 Dim oItem As Outlook.MailItem 
 Const PR_STORE_ENTRYID As String = _ 
 On Error Resume Next 
 ' Obtain the current item for the active inspector. 
 Set oMail = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem 
 If Not (oMail Is Nothing) Then 
 ' Obtain the Conversation object. 
 Set oConv = oMail.GetConversation 
 If Not (oConv Is Nothing) Then 
 Set oTable = oConv.GetTable 
 oTable.Columns.Add (PR_STORE_ENTRYID) 
 Do Until oTable.EndOfTable 
 Set oRow = oTable.GetNextRow 
 ' Use EntryID and StoreID to open the item. 
 Set oItem = Application.session.GetItemFromID( _ 
 oRow("EntryID"), _ 
 Debug.Print oItem.Subject, _ 
 "Attachments.Count=" & oItem.Attachments.count 
 End If 
 End If 
End Sub 

See Also


Conversation Object

Conversation Object Members