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SPUtility Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Provides tools for converting date and time formats, for obtaining information from user names, for modifying access to sites, and for various other tasks in managing deployments of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

The SPUtility type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public propertyStatic member DeveloperDashboardIsEnabled Gets the developer dashboard enabled-status for the current request.
Public propertyStatic member OriginalServerRelativeRequestPath
Public propertyStatic member OriginalServerRelativeRequestUrl Gets the original URL after the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation server has re-written it.



  Name Description
Public methodStatic member AddCellStoragePartition Adds a new partition mapping for an application to execute cell storage operations.
Public methodStatic member AddDefaultWikiContent Initializes a wiki library with welcome and help content and sets the root folder welcome name for the list.
Public methodStatic member AllItemsQuery Obsolete.
Public methodStatic member AlternateServerUrlFromHttpRequestUrl Returns the outgoing URL for the alternate request URL represented by the specified URI.
Public methodStatic member AutoHyperlinking Converts URLs and email addresses in a plain text string into hyperlinks in an HTML-encoded string.
Public methodStatic member BinarySearchWithFallback<T> Performs a binary search of a list for a generic object. If the object is not found in the list, this method finds the zero-based index location in the list at which the generic object should be inserted.
Public methodStatic member ChangeAccountPassword Changes an account password for the specified SharePoint site.
Public methodStatic member CheckForCustomToolpane Checks if the Web page is currently using a custom tool pane. For example, if the page is loaded in SharePoint Designer.
Public methodStatic member ConcatUrls Concatenates two URL strings into one.
Public methodStatic member ConvertHtmlLinkToWikiLink(String, SPList) Converts HTML to Wiki tags given an input string and the URL for a list.
Public methodStatic member ConvertHtmlLinkToWikiLink(String, String) Converts HTML to Wiki tags given an input string and the URL for a folder.
Public methodStatic member ConvertSPRightsToSPBasePermissions Converts SPRights bit mask into SPBasePermissions bit mask.
Public methodStatic member ConvertWikiLinkToHtmlLink(String, SPList) Converts Wiki tags to HTML given the URL for a list.
Public methodStatic member ConvertWikiLinkToHtmlLink(String, String) Converts Wiki tags to HTML given the URL for a folder.
Public methodStatic member CreateDateTimeFromISO8601DateTimeString Converts the specified ISO 8601 date-time value to a string DateTime format.
Public methodStatic member CreateDateTimeFromSqlString Converts the specified SQL string (in yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss format) to DateTime format.
Public methodStatic member CreateEmailBodyForInvitation Returns a string that can be used as the body of an email message that contains a link to a SharePoint Foundation page.
Public methodStatic member CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime Converts a system DateTime value to ISO8601 DateTime format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ).
Public methodStatic member CreateNewDiscussion(SPList, String) Creates a new SPListItem representing a discussion in a specified list.
Public methodStatic member CreateNewDiscussion(SPListItemCollection, String) Creates a new SPListItem representing a discussion in a specified collection of list items.
Public methodStatic member CreateNewDiscussionReply Creates a new SPListItem representing a reply to another item in a Discussion Board.
Public methodStatic member CreateNewWikiPage Adds a new Wiki page to a Wiki page library.
Public methodStatic member CreateParentFoldersForFile Creates a folder hierarchy necessary to create a list item, including the list in which to create the item, as well as an indication whether to create additional list items that correspond to the folders.
Public methodStatic member CreateSystemDateTimeFromXmlDataDateTimeFormat Converts the date and time value from ISO8601 DateTime format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) to system DateTime format (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM or PM).
Public methodStatic member CreateThreadIndex Creates a new conversation thread-index from a parent conversation thread-index.
Public methodStatic member DetermineRedirectUrl Helper function that determines a redirection URL, typically for server-side redirects. For example, a redirection that uses SPUtility.Redirect.
Public methodStatic member DoesFieldSupportIsRelationship Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a lookup field has relationship features.
Public methodStatic member DumpTypes Obsolete.
Public methodStatic member EnsureAuthentication() Determines whether the current user is authenticated, and that a context Web for the current HTTP request exists; otherwise, asks the user to authenticate.
Public methodStatic member EnsureAuthentication(SPWeb) Determines whether the current user is authenticated, and that the web parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic); otherwise, requests the user to authenticate.
Public methodStatic member EnsureSessionCredentials Obsolete.
Public methodStatic member EnsureSiteAdminAccess Determines whether the current user is a site administrator on the specified site and, if not, requests a user name and password, and then opens the Error page for an “access denied” exception so that the user must request access to the site or list from the owner.
Public methodStatic member ExecuteCellStorageBinaryRequest(SPFile, Stream, Boolean, Guid, String, Boolean, String, Boolean, String, String, String, Int64, String, Int64, Boolean, String, Boolean, Int32, String, Boolean, Boolean) Executes a cell storage request on an SPFile object.
Public methodStatic member ExecuteCellStorageBinaryRequest(SPFile, Stream, Boolean, Guid, String, Boolean, String, Boolean, String, String, String, Int64, String, Int64, Boolean, String, Boolean, Int32, String, Boolean, Boolean, Int32) Executes a cell storage request on an SPFile object.
Public methodStatic member ExecuteProxyOperation Called from full trust code running in the Windows SharePoint User Code Service worker process in order to execute an operation that cannot otherwise be performed in the process. This method cannot be called directly by user code.
Public methodStatic member ExecuteRegisteredProxyOperation Executes an operation that is prevented in the shim in the proxy process of the UserCode service.
Public methodStatic member FIsFatalException Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified exception is a fatal exception.
Public methodStatic member FIsProcessCriticalException Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified exception is a critical exception.
Public methodStatic member FlushIISToken Invalidates the user token for all application pool accounts.
Public methodStatic member FormatAccountName(String) Retrieves a concatenated string containing the provider and user values in order, separated by a colon (":"). This method retrieves the concatenated string based only on the user name.
Public methodStatic member FormatAccountName(String, String) Validates the provider and user string values. If these strings are valid, this method concatenates the provider and user values in order, with a colon (":") between them, and returns the concatenated string.
Public methodStatic member FormatDate Converts the specified date and time value to an SPDateFormat format.
Public methodStatic member FormatSize Determines the format size, in megabytes or kilobytes.
Public methodStatic member FormatStringWithListType(String, SPList) Format a string by inserting the name that corresponds to a list’s SPBaseType.
Public methodStatic member FormatStringWithListType(String, SPList, Boolean) Format a string by inserting the name that corresponds to a list’s SPBaseType, optionally converting the type name to lowercase.
Public methodStatic member GetAcceptHeaderExtensions Returns the set of accept headers associated with file extensions defined in the configuration file for a site.
Public methodStatic member GetAccountName Retrieves an account name, without provider information, given the full username associated with the account.
Public methodStatic member GetAllAuthenticatedUsers
Public methodStatic member GetBinaryUserId Returns the binary identifier of the membership account.
Public methodStatic member GetCalendarYearMax Returns the maximum year that can be represented in calendars.
Public methodStatic member GetCalendarYearMin Returns the minimum year that can be represented in calendars.
Public methodStatic member GetCurrentUserEmailAddresses Returns a string containing the email address of the current user.
Public methodStatic member GetExampleDateFormat Returns an example of the format that is used for dates in the specified site.
Public methodStatic member GetExpandedWeeks
Public methodStatic member GetFullNameandEmailfromLogin(SPGlobalAdmin, String, String, String) Returns the display name and the e-mail address of the user on a server or server farm with the specified user name.
Public methodStatic member GetFullNameandEmailfromLogin(SPWeb, String, String, String) Returns the display name and the e-mail address of the Web-site user who has the specified user name.
Public methodStatic member GetFullNameFromLogin(SPGlobalAdmin, String) Returns the display name of the user on a server or server farm with the specified user name.
Public methodStatic member GetFullNameFromLogin(SPSite, String) Returns the display name of the site user who has the specified user name.
Public methodStatic member GetFullNameFromLoginEx(String, Boolean) Returns the display name of a user with the specified user name and a Boolean value indicating whether the user object represents a distribution list.
Public methodStatic member GetFullNameFromLoginEx(SPSite, String, Boolean) Returns the display name of a user on the specified site based on the user name and a Boolean value indicating whether the user object represents a distribution list.
Public methodStatic member GetFullUrl Returns the absolute Universal Resource Locator (URL) for the specified server-relative URL.
Public methodStatic member GetGenericSetupPath Retrieves the full local path for the specified subdirectory.
Public methodStatic member GetHtmlTranslateUrlFromExt Returns the Universal Resource Locator (URL) of a back-end converter program that is used to handle a request when the client computer does not have the Microsoft Office application installed.
Public methodStatic member GetIdentifierFromEmail Obsolete. Returns the identifier (ID) of the site user based on the specified e-mail address.
Public methodStatic member GetIncorrectUIVersionMessage Retrieves a localized string that contains the generic error message to display when a Web Part is added to a site with an incompatible user interface (UI) version.
Public methodStatic member GetListGuid Obsolete.
Public methodStatic member GetLocalizedString Retrieves the value for a named resource string from the resource file for a specified language.
Public methodStatic member GetLoginNameFromEmail Obsolete. Returns the domain user account of the user based on the specified site collection and e-mail address.
Public methodStatic member GetNewIdPrefix
Public methodStatic member GetNonAdminGlobalSettings
Public methodStatic member GetNTFullNameandEmailfromLogin(SPGlobalAdmin, String, String, String) Retrieves the display name and e-mail address that are used in the Windows NT operating system for a specified user on the server or server farm.
Public methodStatic member GetNTFullNameandEmailfromLogin(SPWeb, String, String, String) Retrieves the display name and e-mail address that are used in the Windows NT operating system for a user on the specified site.
Public methodStatic member GetPageUrlPath Returns the URL to a page in a specified HTTP context.
Public methodStatic member GetParentControl Returns the control that is the parent of a specified control.
Public methodStatic member GetPrincipalsInGroup Gets users or groups that belong to the specified group. The specified group can be a Microsoft Windows security group, an ASP.NET role, or a SharePoint group.
Public methodStatic member GetProviderName Returns the membership provider portion of a full user name.
Public methodStatic member GetRequestAccess Obsolete. Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the current user has access to the specified site or list.
Public methodStatic member GetRoleDefinitionFromLegacyWebGroupId Gets the role definition for the web group with the specified ID from the specified collection of role definitions.
Public methodStatic member GetSelectedDate Retrieves the CalendarDate parameter value from the request context.
Public methodStatic member GetSelectedDateFromSource Retrieves the CalendarDate parameter value from the request context, optionally using the source page if necessary.
Public methodStatic member GetSelectedTime Retrieves the CalendarTime parameter value from the request context.
Public methodStatic member GetSelectedTimeFromSource Retrieves the CalendarTime parameter value from the request context, optionally using the source page if necessary.
Public methodStatic member GetServerNow Returns in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) the current date and time used on the database server for the specified site.
Public methodStatic member GetServerRelativeUrlFromPrefixedUrl Converts a URL prefixed with "~site/" or "~sitecollection/" into a server-relative URL.
Public methodStatic member GetShortId
Public methodStatic member GetSPListFromName(SPWeb, Guid, String, String, String) Retrieves the specified SharePoint list without specifying the associated SPContext object.
Public methodStatic member GetSPListFromName(SPContext, SPWeb, Guid, String, String, String) Retrieves the specified SharePoint list.
Public methodStatic member GetTimeSpanFromTimeZone Retrieves a TimeSpan object that represents the difference in time between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the time zone that is local to the SharePoint Web site.
Public methodStatic member GetUploadedSolutionOp Retrieves the solution operation (op) code for a newly uploaded solution.
Public methodStatic member GetUrlDirectory Returns the directory-path part of the URL.
Public methodStatic member GetUrlFileName Returns the filename part of the URL.
Public methodStatic member GetV3SecurePassword Returns a secure string that contains the password for a process identity.
Public methodStatic member GetViewType Retrieves one of the calendar parameters from the request context.
Public methodStatic member GetWebContentIndexingTimestamps
Public methodStatic member GregorianISOToIntlISODate Converts the specified date from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Gregorian format to the ISO International format.
Public methodStatic member GuessLoginNameFromEmail Obsolete. Returns the domain user account of the user based on the specified e-mail address.
Public methodStatic member HandleAccessDenied Handles access denied exceptions.
Public methodStatic member HexStringToLong Converts the specified hexadecimal value to a long value.
Public methodStatic member IsBuiltInFieldDisallowingUniqueness Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a field is one of the special system fields that are not allowed to have the EnforceUniqueValues property set to false.
Public methodStatic member IsClientValid
Public methodStatic member IsDesignTimeRender Indicates whether the current request is run in a design-time context. Usually this is because a Web service call is made by a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation-compatible editor, for example Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010.
Public methodStatic member IsEastAsia Determines whether the specified Locale ID (LCID) for the specified website is for an East Asia language.
Public methodStatic member IsEmailServerSet Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether an e-mail server has been set for the site.
Public methodStatic member IsLoginValid(SPGlobalAdmin, String) Uses the specified global administration object to determine whether the specified user name is valid.
Public methodStatic member IsLoginValid(SPSite, String) Uses the specified site collection to determine whether the specified user name is valid.
Public methodStatic member IsLoginValid(SPGlobalAdmin, String, Boolean) Uses the specified global administration object to determine whether the specified user name is valid and whether it corresponds to a user account.
Public methodStatic member IsRightToLeft Determines if the language specified by the locale identifier (LCID) is a right-to-left language.
Public methodStatic member IsUplevelBrowser Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the version of the browser is later than Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape Navigator 6.0, based on the HTTP context of the request.
Public methodStatic member IsValidStringInput Determines whether the specified text is in a valid format as specified by a regular expression.
Public methodStatic member MakeBrowserCacheSafeLayoutsUrl Returns a new URL that will not be cached by the browser when the associated file changes. The file name must be relative to the layouts directory in the file system. For example, if an URL contains "layouts/images" it is relative to the layouts directory but the images directory is not under the layouts directory in the file system and therefore it cannot be used with this method.
Public methodStatic member MakeBrowserCacheSafeScriptResourceUrl Generates a new URL that is safe for the browser to use to cache the resource content. If the resource content was changed on the server, the URL that this method retrieves is changed to ensure that the stale browser cache is not used.
Public methodStatic member MapToControl Returns the name of the control that can edit the specified file, including the website that contains the file and the ID of the program that created the file.
Public methodStatic member MapToIcon(SPWeb, String, String) Returns the name of the image file for the icon that is used to represent the specified file.
Public methodStatic member MapToIcon(SPWeb, String, String, IconSize) Returns the name of the image file for the icon that is used to represent the specified file.
Public methodStatic member MapToServerFileRedirect(SPWeb, String, String) Returns the redirection URL for the file.
Public methodStatic member MapToServerFileRedirect(SPWeb, String, String, Int32) Returns the redirection URL for the file or for its versions.
Public methodStatic member MapWebToIcon Maps a Web-site to a corresponding image and tooltip based on the template and configuration identifier for the site.
Public methodStatic member MapWebURLToVirtualServerURL Returns the absolute Universal Resource Locator (URL) for the virtual server that contains the specified site.
Public methodStatic member ObjectToGuid Converts an object to a Guid structure.
Public methodStatic member ParseDate(SPWeb, String, SPDateFormat, Boolean) Creates a System.DateTime object from the specified strings containing date and time values.
Public methodStatic member ParseDate(SPWeb, String, String, Boolean) Creates a System.DateTime object from the specified strings containing date and time values.
Public methodStatic member ParseSqlType Converts the string representation of a SqlDbType enumeration value to a SqlDbType enumeration value.
Public methodStatic member Redirect(String, SPRedirectFlags, HttpContext) Handles the redirection of an HTTP request.
Public methodStatic member Redirect(String, SPRedirectFlags, HttpContext, String) Handles the redirection of an HTTP request. This method allows for the optional specification of an encoded query string to be added to the URL.
Public methodStatic member RedirectValidate(String, SPWeb) Determines whether a URL is suitable for redirection by verifying that it is either relative or resides within the current Web server or portal server within the current Web application.
Public methodStatic member RedirectValidate(String, HttpContext) Determines whether a URL is suitable for redirection by verifying that it is either relative or resides within the current Web server or portal server.
Public methodStatic member ReplaceEmbeddedPrefixedUrlsWithServerRelativeUrls(String) Converts the specified relative URL with an embedded prefix to a server-relative URL and specifies the server URL.
Public methodStatic member ReplaceEmbeddedPrefixedUrlsWithServerRelativeUrls(String, Boolean) Converts the specified relative URL with an embedded prefix to a server-relative URL and optionally encodes the site prefix.
Public methodStatic member ResolvePrincipal(SPWebApplication, Nullable<SPUrlZone>, String, SPPrincipalType, SPPrincipalSource, Boolean) Resolves principal information into an SPPrincipalInfo object.
Public methodStatic member ResolvePrincipal(SPWeb, String, SPPrincipalType, SPPrincipalSource, SPUserCollection, Boolean) Resolves principal information into an SPPrincipalInfo object.
Public methodStatic member ResolveWindowsPrincipal(SPWebApplication, String, SPPrincipalType, Boolean)
Public methodStatic member ResolveWindowsPrincipal(SPWeb, SPWebApplication, String, SPPrincipalType, Boolean)
Public methodStatic member SearchPrincipals(SPWebApplication, Nullable<SPUrlZone>, String, SPPrincipalType, SPPrincipalSource, Int32, Boolean)
Public methodStatic member SearchPrincipals(SPWeb, String, SPPrincipalType, SPPrincipalSource, SPUserCollection, Int32, Boolean)
Public methodStatic member SearchWindowsPrincipals
Public methodStatic member SendAccessDeniedHeader Requests a user name and password, and then opens the Error page for an access denied exception so that the user must request access to the site or list from the owner.
Public methodStatic member SendEmail(SPWeb, StringDictionary, String) Sends an e-mail message.
Public methodStatic member SendEmail(SPWeb, StringDictionary, String, Boolean) Sends the e-mail message to the specified address.
Public methodStatic member SendEmail(SPWeb, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, String) Sends an e-mail message.
Public methodStatic member SendEmail(SPWeb, Boolean, Boolean, String, String, String, Boolean) Sends the e-mail message to the specified address.
Public methodStatic member SendRequestAccessToOwner Sends a request for access in an e-mail message to the owner of the list or site.
Public methodStatic member SetEventReceiverToSynchronous
Public methodStatic member SetThreadCulture(SPWeb) Sets the thread and user interface (UI) culture, based upon the spWeb parameter and the RegionalSettings property of the user.
Public methodStatic member SetThreadCulture(CultureInfo, CultureInfo) Sets the thread and user interface (UI) culture, based upon the current culture of the thread and the current culture of the UI.
Public methodStatic member StopRequestIfClientIsNotValid Stops processing the current request if the request is no longer valid.
Public methodStatic member StringToUInt64 Converts the specified text value to a 64-bit unsigned integer.
Public methodStatic member TestVss Obsolete.
Public methodStatic member TimeDeltaAsString Returns the difference between two specified DateTime values as a string.
Public methodStatic member TransferToErrorPage(String) Transfers the request to a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation error page.
Public methodStatic member TransferToErrorPage(String, String, String) Transfers the request to a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation error page.
Public methodStatic member TransferToSuccessPage(String) Transfers the request to a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation success page.
Public methodStatic member TransferToSuccessPage(String, String, String, String) Transfers the request to a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation success page.
Public methodStatic member TryGetStringFromBinaryUserId Tries to extract a string from the binary user identifier and returns it.
Public methodStatic member ValidateDatabaseConnectionString Obsolete. Validates the connection string for the content database or the configuration database.
Public methodStatic member ValidateFormDigest Validates the form digest control that is used in the current request.



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AccessDeniedPage Contains the name of the “access denie”d page.
Public fieldStatic member AuthenticatePage Contains the name of the authenticate page.
Public fieldStatic member ConfirmationPageId Contains a query string parameter for the confirmation page ID.
Public fieldStatic member ConfirmationPageText Contains a query string parameter for the confirmation page text.
Public fieldStatic member CustomXslAttribute Contains a query string parameter for the custom XSL attribute.
Public fieldStatic member ErrorCorrelationId Contains a query string parameter for the ID of the error correlation.
Public fieldStatic member ErrorHelpKey Contains a query string parameter for the key of the error help.
Public fieldStatic member ErrorHelpLinkText Contains a query string parameter for the text of the error help link.
Public fieldStatic member ErrorID Contains a query string parameter for the ID of the error.
Public fieldStatic member ErrorLinkhref Contains a query string parameter for the navigate URL of the error link.
Public fieldStatic member ErrorLinkTextID Contains a query string parameter for the text ID of the error link.
Public fieldStatic member ErrorPage Contains a query string parameter for the name of the error page.
Public fieldStatic member ErrorText Contains a query string parameter for the error text of the error link.
Public fieldStatic member MaxLeafNameLength Indicates the maximum number of characters that can be used in the name of a file or folder.
Public fieldStatic member MaxUserAccountNameLength Contains the maximum length of the account name of the user.
Public fieldStatic member MaxUserLogonLength Contains the maximum length of the logon name of the user.
Public fieldStatic member RequestHdrNoLinkOnErrPage Contains a query string parameter for the no links on the error page.
Public fieldStatic member SiteRelativeUrlPrefix The value of this string is ~sitecollection/.
Public fieldStatic member strTRUE Contains a query string parameter to represent true.
Public fieldStatic member SuccessPage Contains the name of the success page.
Public fieldStatic member WebRelativeUrlPrefix The value of this string is ~site/.


See Also


SPUtility Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace