다음을 통해 공유

QueryTable.Refreshing Property (Excel)

True if there is a background query in progress for the specified query table. Read only Boolean.



A variable that represents a QueryTable object.


Use the CancelRefresh method to cancel background queries.

If you import data using the user interface, data from a Web query or a text query is imported as a QueryTable object, while all other external data is imported as a ListObject object.

If you import data using the object model, data from a Web query or a text query must be imported as a QueryTable, while all other external data can be imported as either a ListObject or a QueryTable.

You can use the QueryTable property of the ListObject to access the Refreshing property.


This example displays a message box if there is a background query in progress for query table one.

With Worksheets(1).QueryTables(1) 
 If .Refreshing Then 
 MsgBox "Query is currently refreshing: please wait" 
 .Refresh BackgroundQuery := False 
 End If 
End With 

참고 항목


QueryTable Object

QueryTable Object Members