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Enable or disable discovery of federation partners in Lync Server 2013


Topic Last Modified: 2013-02-23

At the time you deployed your Edge Servers and enabled federation for your organization, you should have specified whether to support automatic discovery of federated partner domains. Use the procedure in this topic to change that configuration.


The following procedure assumes that you have already enabled federation for your organization. For details about enabling federation, see Enable or disable remote user access in Lync Server 2013 in the Deployment documentation or the Operations documentation.

To enable or disable automatic discovery of federated domains for your organization

  1. From a user account that is a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins group (or has equivalent user rights), or is assigned to the CsAdministrator role, log on to any computer in your internal deployment.

  2. Open a browser window, and then enter the Admin URL to open the Lync Server Control Panel. For details about the different methods you can use to start Lync Server Control Panel, see Open Lync Server 2013 administrative tools.

  3. In the left navigation bar, click External User Access, click Access Edge Configuration.

  4. On the Access Edge Configuration page, click Global, click Edit, and then click Show details.

  5. In Edit Access Edge Configuration, under Enable communications with federated users, select or clear the Enable partner domain discovery check box to enable or disable automatic discovery of partner domains.

  6. Click Commit.

To enable federated users to collaborate with users in your Lync Server deployment, you must have also configured at least one external access policy to support federated user access. For details, see Enable or disable federation and public IM connectivity in Lync Server 2013 in the Deployment documentation or the Operations documentation. For details about controlling access for specific federated domains, see Manage SIP federated domains for your organization in Lync Server 2013, Manage SIP federated providers for your organization in Lync Server 2013 and Manage XMPP federated partners in Lync Server 2013 in the Operations documentation.

Enabling or Disabling Discovery of Federation Partners by Using Windows PowerShell Cmdlets

Discovery of federation partners can be managed by using Windows PowerShell and the Set-CsAccessEdgeConfiguration cmdlet. This cmdlet can be run either from the Lync Server 2013 Management Shell or from a remote session of Windows PowerShell. For details about using remote Windows PowerShell to connect to Lync Server, see the Lync Server Windows PowerShell blog article "Quick Start: Managing Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Using Remote PowerShell" at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkId=255876.

To enable discovery of federation partners

  • To enable discovery of federation partners, set the value of the EnablePartnerDiscovery property to True ($True). Note that you must enable DNS SRV routing in order to change this property value.

    Set-CsAccessEdgeConfiguration -UseDnsSrvRouting -EnablePartnerDiscovery $True

To disable discovery of federation partners

  • To disable discovery of federation partners, set the value of the EnablePartnerDiscovery property to False ($False):

    Set-CsAccessEdgeConfiguration -UseDnsSrvRouting -EnablePartnerDiscovery $False