다음을 통해 공유


업데이트: 2009-04-30

This Transact-SQL procedure validates the data for all the measure groups in a specified model.


[ @RC = ] dbo.bsp_DI_ValidateMeasureGroupForModel
@ModelName =  'model_site_label:model_label'
[,[@IncludeAnnotation = ] N'T' | N'F']


  • @ModelName = 'model_site_label:model_label'
    The fully qualified identifier for the model consists of model_site_label:model_label and is nvarchar(128). It has no default. No special formatting is required for spaces in labels.
  • [ @IncludeAnnotation = ] N'T' | N'F'
    Indicates if annotation are included as part of measure group validation. T or F is nchar(1). The default is 'T'.

Return Value

Returns int value for an error code.


To run this procedure, you must have the fixed database roles of db_datareader and db_datawriter. You must also have explicit execute permissions on the database object.


This example shows the validation of data in all measure group tables that are in the fully qualified model name, ASH_Corporate:External Corp Reporting.

USE [Alpine_Ski_House_StagingDB]
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[bsp_DI_ValidateMeasureGroupForModel]
     @ModelName = N'ASH_Corporate:External Corp Reporting',
     @IncludeAnnotation = N'F'
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value

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