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BizValidationStatus errors

업데이트: 2009-04-30

After you populate a measure group table in the staging database, you can ensure financial data integrity by validating against business rules that are established by the system. By running stored procedures on the populated tables in the staging database, you can perform business validation for both financial and non-financial models. To learn more, see About performing measure group validation in a model.

BizValidationStatus Column

The BizValidationStatus column is set with a validation error code to help with correcting business logic. If the data is valid, the BizValidationStatus column is set to 0. If it is set to something other than 0, the data is considered not valid for loading.


The BizValidationStatus value varies, depending on the multiple validation errors that apply to the validation attempt.

To find the validation error message that corresponds to the BizValidationStatus value, run the fn_util_EvaluateValidationStatusCode function. You can find this function in the SQL Object Explorer under Programmability in Scalar-Valued Functions in the staging database.


The following example returns a description for the BizValidationStatus, error type 1024.

USE [Alpine_Ski_House_StagingDB]
SELECT dbo.fn_util_EvaluateValidationStatusCode(1024)

Write to parent not valid;
(1 row(s) affected)


The following example returns multiple error descriptions where the ValidationStatusCode = 589.

USE [Alpine_Ski_House_StagingDB]
SELECT dbo.fn_util_EvaluateValidationStatusCode(589)

Invalid account (cannot write to this account class); 
Invalid business process; 
Security check failed; 
Invalid TimeDataView (must be periodic); 
Workflow error - check start and end dates;

Financial Model Validations

The following is a list of BizValidationStatus error descriptions.

Error type Description


A foreign key in this row cannot be found in the appropriate dimension or hierarchy table.


You can add data to rows only when the Currency dimension equals the Entity's default currency.


You can add data only to Account dimension members that have the Account's Intercompany property set to True.

You can add data only to an Entity where the Entity Type property is set to a type that has Intercompany set to True.


You cannot add data to Account dimension members where the account type is Header.


For non-financial accounts, the Flow property must be set to NONE.

For income statement accounts, the Flow property must be set to NONE.

For balance sheet accounts, the Flow property must not be set to NONE.

To update the FLOW_MEMBER_ID with flow Members that can be modified and support balance sheet accounts, non-financial accounts, or income statement accounts, locate the FLOW_MEMBER_ID in the D_FLOW table of the Planning application database.


You cannot add data to a measure group where the Flow dimension property is set to FX, FXF, FXO, INT, MVT, or OPE. Such Flow data is computed by the business rules and cannot be manually entered.


You can only add data to rows that have the BusinessProcess property set to ALLOC, INPUT, MANADJ, or FXADJ. All the other Business Process dimension members are calculated and cannot be manually adjusted or altered.


The row cannot be loaded because it applies to a non-leaf level member. Data can only be written to leaf level members (members that do not have child members) with the following exceptions:

If the model property, EnableInputAtAllLevels, is set to True. This model property can be edited before the first time that the model is saved.

You can add data to a non-leaf level entity member for rows that have the BusinessProcess dimension set to MANADJ and FXADJ for all financial models


SharesOwned of an entity cannot exceed shares outstanding for that entity. No errors occur if shares owned is null, ; an error occurs if shares owned is not null and shares outstanding is null.


Checks for correct percentages and will only occur if the values are not null.


Checks for positive numbers and will only occur if the values are not null.


When the destination currency is equal to the source currency, the exchange rate must be 1.

Exchange rates must be positive.

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