다음을 통해 공유

TrackingMode enumeration

Specifies the modes for tracking task progress.

Namespace:  Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client (in Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client.dll)


Public Enumeration TrackingMode
Dim instance As TrackingMode
public enum TrackingMode


Member name Description
None Value=0. Use free-form tracking for tasks, where resources can report hours by using any method (actual hours, percent complete, or timephased).
TimePhased Value=1. Use timephased tracking for tasks, by hours of work done per period.
PercentComplete Value=2. Track tasks by percentage of work complete.
ActualHours Value=3. Track tasks by actual hours of work done and work remaining.


You can set the tracking mode in the Tracking Method section of the Task Settings and Display page in Project Web App (http://ServerName/ProjectServerName/_layouts/15/pwa/Admin/Statusing.aspx).

See also


Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client namespace