다음을 통해 공유


Call this function within your control's DoPropExchange member function to serialize or initialize a property of type float.

BOOL PX_Float( 
   CPropExchange* pPX, 
   LPCTSTR pszPropName, 
   float& floatValue  
BOOL PX_Float( 
   CPropExchange* pPX, 
   LPCTSTR pszPropName, 
   float& floatValue, 
   float floatDefault  

매개 변수

  • pPX
    Pointer to the CPropExchange object (typically passed as a parameter to DoPropExchange).

  • pszPropName
    The name of the property being exchanged.

  • floatValue
    Reference to the variable where the property is stored (typically a member variable of your class).

  • floatDefault
    속성의 기본값입니다.

반환 값

Nonzero if the exchange was successful; 0 if unsuccessful.


The property's value is read from or written to the variable referenced by floatValue, as appropriate. If floatDefault is specified, it will be used as the property's default value. This value is used if, for any reason, the control's serialization process fails.

요구 사항

Header: afxctl.h

참고 항목






MFC 매크로 및 전역