다음을 통해 공유

Visibility Element (RDL)

Indicates whether the item is displayed in the rendered report.


<Textbox Name="..."> <!-- or Line, Rectangle, Image, Subreport, List, Matrix , Table, Chart, CustomReportItem, DynamicColumns, DynamicRows, TableColumn, TableRow, TableGroup, Details -->
</Textbox> <!-- or /Line, /Rectangle, /Image, /Subreport, /List, /Matrix, /Table, /Chart, CustomReportItem, /DynamicColumns, /DynamicRows, /TableColumn, /TableRow, /TableGroup, /Details -->

Element Characteristics

Characteristic Description

Data type and length


Default value



0-1: Optional element that can occur once or not at all.

Element Relationships

Relationship Element

Parent elements

Chart, CustomReportItem, Details, DynamicColumns, DynamicRows, Image, Line, List, Matrix, Rectangle, Subreport, Table, TableColumn, TableGroup, TableRow, Textbox

Child elements

Hidden, ToggleItem

참고 항목


Report Definition XML Elements

도움말 및 정보

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