다음을 통해 공유

Service Broker Programming Samples

업데이트: 2006년 7월 17일

This section provides descriptions of the Service Broker programming samples that are included with SQL Server 2005.

In This Section

  • Readme_HelloWorld
    Shows how to send a message from one service to the other service, and how to process the message.
  • Readme_EventLogging
    Demonstrates the new Event Notification functionality of SQL Server 2005.
  • Readme_ShoppingCart
    Uses the Service Broker Interface sample in an application that maintains state.
  • Service Broker 주문 서비스 예제
    The Adventure Works Storefront sample accepts an online order and returns a predefined ship date in the order status screen. This sample adds backend order processing capabilities to Adventure Works Storefront.

For information about installing the samples, see 예제 설치.

참고 항목

관련 자료

Service Broker 자습서
Introduction to Service Broker Programming

도움말 및 정보

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