다음을 통해 공유

Using XML for Analysis in Analysis Services (XMLA)

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services(SSAS) uses XML for Analysis (XMLA) as its only protocol when communicating with client applications. Because Analysis Services uses XMLA for data definition, data manipulation, and data control support, additional commands are supported by Analysis Services that extend the XML for Analysis 1.1 specification.

In This Section

Topic Description

Managing Connections and Sessions (XMLA)

Describes how to connect to an Analysis Services instance, and how to manage sessions and statefulness in XMLA.

Handling Errors and Warnings (XMLA)

Describes how Analysis Services returns error and warning information for methods and commands in XMLA.

Defining and Identifying Objects (XMLA)

Describes object identifiers and object references, and how to use identifiers and references within XMLA commands.

Managing Transactions (XMLA)

Details how to use the BeginTransaction, CommitTransaction, and RollbackTransaction commands to explicitly define and manage a transaction on the current XMLA session.

Canceling Commands (XMLA)

Describes how to use the Cancelcommand to cancel commands, sessions, and connections in XMLA.

Performing Batch Operations (XMLA)

Describes how to use the Batch command to run multiple XMLA commands, in serial or in parallel, either within the same transaction or as separate transactions, using a single XMLA Execute method.

Creating and Altering Objects (XMLA)

Describes how to use the Create, Alter, and Delete commands, along with Analysis Services Scripting Language (ASSL) elements, to define, change, or remove objects from an Analysis Services instance.

Locking and Unlocking Databases (XMLA)

Details how to use the Lock and Unlock commands to lock and unlock an Analysis Services database.

Processing Objects (XMLA)

Describes how to use the Process command to process an Analysis Services object.

Merging Partitions (XMLA)

Describes how to use the MergePartitions command to merge partitions on an Analysis Services instance.

Designing Aggregations (XMLA)

Describes how to use the DesignAggregations command, either in iterative or batch mode, to design aggregations for an aggregation design in Analysis Services.

Backing Up, Restoring, and Synchronizing Databases (XMLA)

Describes how to use the Backup and Restore commands to back up and restore an Analysis Services database from a backup file.

Also describes how to use the Synchronize command to synchronize an Analysis Services database with an existing database on the same instance or on a different instance.

Inserting, Updating, and Dropping Members (XMLA)

Describes how to use the Insert, Update, and Drop commands to add, change, or delete members from a write-enabled dimension.

Updating Cells (XMLA)

Describes how to use the UpdateCells command to change the values of cells in a write-enabled partition.

Managing Caches (XMLA)

Details how to use the ClearCache command to clear the caches of Analysis Services objects.

Monitoring Traces (XMLA)

Describes how to use the Subscribe command to subscribe to and monitor an existing trace on an Analysis Services instance.

Data Mining with XMLA

XML for Analysis fully supports data mining schema rowsets. These rowsets provide information for querying data mining models using the Discover method. For more information about data mining schema rowsets, see Data Mining Schema Rowsets.

For more information about DMX, see DMX(데이터 마이닝 확장) 참조.

참고 항목


XML for Analysis Overview (XMLA)

관련 자료

Analysis Services Scripting Language (ASSL)
Analysis Services 개념 및 개체

도움말 및 정보

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