다음을 통해 공유

WhichWeek 속성

Gets or sets the week of the month in which a scheduled report runs.

네임스페이스:  ReportService2006
어셈블리:  ReportService2006.dll의 ReportService2006


Public Property WhichWeek As WeekNumberEnum
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As MonthlyDOWRecurrence
Dim value As WeekNumberEnum

value = instance.WhichWeek

instance.WhichWeek = value
public WeekNumberEnum WhichWeek { get; set; }
property WeekNumberEnum WhichWeek {
    WeekNumberEnum get ();
    void set (WeekNumberEnum value);
member WhichWeek : WeekNumberEnum with get, set
function get WhichWeek () : WeekNumberEnum
function set WhichWeek (value : WeekNumberEnum)


The value for the WhichWeek property has a corresponding WhichWeekSpecified property that indicates whether this property should be omitted from the Web service call.

For more information about omitting properties, see 선택적 웹 서비스 개체에 대한 값 생략.