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IServerInformation 멤버

An interface based on the Information type properties.

IServerInformation 형식은 다음 멤버를 노출합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 속성 BuildClrVersionString Gets the CLR build version string for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 BuildNumber Gets the build number for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 Collation Gets collation information for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 CollationID Gets the CollationID for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 ComparisonStyle Gets the Comparision Style.for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS Gets the host computer physical NetBIOS name.
공용 속성 Edition Get the edition of the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 EngineEdition Gets the SQL Server Engine edition as an edition object.
공용 속성 ErrorLogPath Gets the error log path for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 IsCaseSensitive Gets a Boolean value that specifies case sensitivity.
공용 속성 IsClustered Gets a Boolean value that specifies if the instance of SQL Server is clustered.
공용 속성 IsFullTextInstalled Gets a Boolean value that specifies if Full-Text is installed on the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 IsSingleUser Gets a Boolean value that specifies if the instance of SQL Server is read-only.
공용 속성 Language Gets the SQL Server language.
공용 속성 MasterDBLogPath Gets the master database log path for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 MasterDBPath Gets the master database data path for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 MaxPrecision Gets the greatest decimal precision available for exact numeric data types (not floating point), including decimal and numeric.
공용 속성 NetName Gets the network name for an instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 OSVersion Gets the host computer operating system version.
공용 속성 PhysicalMemory Gets the total RAM installed, in MB, for the computer that is running the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 Platform Gets the hardware platform for the computer that is running the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 Processors Gets the number of processors that are installed on the computer that is running the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 Product Gets the product title for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 ProductLevel Gets the product level for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 ResourceLastUpdateDateTime Gets a DateTime object that specifies the last time the resource database was updated.
공용 속성 ResourceVersionString Gets the version number of the resource database.
공용 속성 RootDirectory Gets the root directory for the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 SqlCharSet Gets the SQL character set ID from the collation ID as a tinyint.
공용 속성 SqlCharSetName Gets the SQL character set name from the collation.
공용 속성 SqlSortOrder Gets the SQL sort order ID from the collation.
공용 속성 SqlSortOrderName Gets SQL sort order name from the collation.
공용 속성 VersionMajor Gets the portion of a component version identifier to the left of the first decimal point in the identifier.
공용 속성 VersionMinor Gets the portion of a component version identifier to the right of the first decimal point in the identifier.
공용 속성 VersionString Gets the date, version, and processor type of the instance of SQL Server.

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