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ITableOptions 멤버

The ITableOptions class is an interface that represents a collection of options that is associated with a table.

ITableOptions 형식은 다음 멤버를 노출합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 속성 AnsiNullsStatus
공용 속성 ChangeTrackingEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether change tracking is enabled on the table.
공용 속성 CreateDate Gets the date and time when the table was created.
공용 속성 DateLastModified
공용 속성 FakeSystemTable Gets the Boolean value that determines whether the table references a system table.
공용 속성 FileGroup Gets or sets the file group in which the table is physically stored.
공용 속성 FileStreamFileGroup
공용 속성 FileStreamPartitionScheme
공용 속성 ID Gets the ID value that uniquely identifies the table.
공용 속성 IsSchemaOwned Gets the Boolean value that determines whether the table schema has an owner.
공용 속성 IsSystemObject Gets the Boolean value that determines whether the table is a system object.
공용 속성 LockEscalation Gets or sets the type of lock escalation implemented on the table.
공용 속성 Name Gets or sets the name of the table.
공용 속성 PartitionScheme Gets or sets the name of the partition scheme associated with the table.
공용 속성 QuotedIdentifierStatus Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether identifiers delimited by double quotation marks are Transact-SQL reserved keywords or contain characters not usually allowed by the Transact-SQL syntax rules.
공용 속성 Replicated Gets the Boolean value that determines whether the table is replicated.
공용 속성 TextFileGroup Gets or sets the file group in which all the textual data in the table is stored.
공용 속성 TrackColumnsUpdatedEnabled Gets the Boolean value that determines whether column updates in the table are tracked.

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