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Microsoft.SqlServer.MessageBox 네임스페이스

The exception message box is a programmatic interface that is installed with and used by Microsoft SQL Server 2005 graphical components. The exception message box is a supported interface that you can use in your custom applications to provide significantly more control over the messaging experience than is provided by the MessageBox class. It also gives your users the options to save error message content for later reference and to get help on messages.

The namespace of the exception message box implies that this programming interface is only for use with SQL Server. However, it can be used in any application that is based on the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0.


  클래스 설명
공용 클래스 CopyToClipboardEventArgs Returns information when the OnCopyToClipboard event occurs.
공용 클래스 ExceptionMessageBox Displays a message box that can be customized with text, buttons, and symbols to improve the customer experience with a Microsoft Windows .NET Framework-based application.


  대리자 설명
공용 대리자 CopyToClipboardEventHandler Delegate that handles the OnCopyToClipboard event that occurs when error information is copied to the Clipboard.


  열거형 설명
공용 열거형 ExceptionMessageBoxButtons Specifies the button to display in the exception message box.
공용 열거형 ExceptionMessageBoxDefaultButton Sets the default button in the exception message box.
공용 열거형 ExceptionMessageBoxDialogResult Identifies the button that the user clicked to close the exception message box when custom text buttons are used.
공용 열거형 ExceptionMessageBoxOptions Specifies miscellaneous display options for the exception message box.
공용 열거형 ExceptionMessageBoxSymbol Specifies the symbol that is displayed in the exception message box.