다음을 통해 공유

LevelDepth 속성

Gets the ordinal position of the level that contains the Member.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer
어셈블리:  msmgdsrv.dll의 msmgdsrv


Public ReadOnly Property LevelDepth As Integer
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As Member
Dim value As Integer

value = instance.LevelDepth
public int LevelDepth { get; }
property int LevelDepth {
    int get ();
member LevelDepth : int
function get LevelDepth () : int

속성 값

형식: System. . :: . .Int32
An int that contains the ordinal position within the parent hierarchy of the level that contains the Member.


This property is functionally equivalent to Member.ParentLevel.LevelNumber, but it provides better performance. For more information, see LevelNumber.