다음을 통해 공유

MiningFeatureSelection 열거형

Describes the type of attribute to return when calling GetAttributes. Alternatively describes a MiningAttribute.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdServer
어셈블리:  msmgdsrv.dll의 msmgdsrv


Public Enumeration MiningFeatureSelection
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As MiningFeatureSelection
public enum MiningFeatureSelection
public enum class MiningFeatureSelection
type MiningFeatureSelection
public enum MiningFeatureSelection


멤버 이름 설명
Output Return output-selected attributes. Also represents an attribute that is output-selected.
All Return all attributes.
InputAndOutput Return attributes that are both input-selected and output-selected. Also represents an attribute that is both input-selected and output-selected.
Input Return input-selected attributes. Also represents an attribute that is input-selected.
Selected Return attributes that are either input-selected or output-selected.
NotSelected Return attributes that are not feature selected. Also represents an attribute that is not feature selected.