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CManagedComponentWrapperClass 멤버

Represents the design-time instance of a data flow component.

CManagedComponentWrapperClass 형식은 다음 멤버를 노출합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 메서드 CManagedComponentWrapperClass Instantiates an instance of the CManagedComponentWrapperClass object.

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  이름 설명
공용 메서드 AcquireConnections Establishes a connection to a connection manager.
공용 메서드 Cleanup Frees resources and cleans up after the component runs.
공용 메서드 DeleteExternalMetadataColumn Deletes the external metadata column at the specified index from the collection of external metadata columns.
공용 메서드 DeleteInput Deletes an IDTSInput100 object from the IDTSInputCollection100 collection.
공용 메서드 DeleteOutput Deletes an IDTSOutput100 object from the IDTSOutputCollection100 collection of the component.
공용 메서드 DeleteOutputColumn Deletes an IDTSOutputColumn100 object from the IDTSOutputColumnCollection100 collection of the component.
공용 메서드 DescribeRedirectedErrorCode Returns the description of an error code defined by the component.
공용 메서드 Equals (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
보호된 메서드 Finalize (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 메서드 GetEnumerationCollection Returns the IDTSFriendlyEnumCollection100 specified by the
공용 메서드 GetHashCode (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 메서드 GetType (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 메서드 InsertExternalMetadataColumnAt Inserts a new external metadata column into the collection of external metadata columns at the specified index.
공용 메서드 InsertInput Adds an IDTSInput100 object to the IDTSInputCollection100 of the component.
공용 메서드 InsertOutput Adds a new IDTSOutput100 object to the component.
공용 메서드 InsertOutputColumnAt Creates a new IDTSOutputColumn100 object and inserts it into the IDTSOutputColumnCollection100 of the component.
공용 메서드 MapInputColumn Establishes a relationship between an input column and a corresponding external metadata column.
공용 메서드 MapOutputColumn Establishes a relationship between an IDTSOutputColumn100 column and a corresponding IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 column.
보호된 메서드 MemberwiseClone (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 메서드 OnDeletingInputColumn Called when an IDTSInputColunn100 object is being deleted from an IDTSInputColumnCollection100 of the component.
공용 메서드 OnInputPathAttached Called when an IDTSInput100 object of the component is attached to a downstream component.
공용 메서드 OnInputPathDetached Called when the IDTSInput100 object of the component is disconnected from an upstream component.
공용 메서드 OnOutputPathAttached Called when an IDTSOutput100 object of the component is attached to a downstream component.
공용 메서드 PerformUpgrade Upgrades the metadata of the component to the version of the component that is installed on the local computer.
공용 메서드 PostExecute Does the tasks that have to be done after the component has finished processing rows of data.
공용 메서드 PreExecute Does the tasks that have to be done after the PrepareForExecute method runs, but before the component begins to process rows of data.
공용 메서드 PrepareForExecute Does the tasks that have to be done both before the component begins to process rows of data and before the PreExecute method runs.
공용 메서드 PrimeOutput Adds rows to the output buffers in the data flow.
공용 메서드 ProcessInput Processes the rows of data that are received in input buffers from upstream components.
공용 메서드 ProvideComponentProperties Initializes or resets the IDTSComponentMetaData100 of the component.
공용 메서드 ReinitializeMetaData Called to allow the component to repair problems with the IDTSComponentMetaData100 object that were identified by the component during the Validate method.
공용 메서드 ReleaseConnections Frees the connections established by the component during AcquireConnections.
공용 메서드 SetComponentProperty Assigns a value to a IDTSCustomProperty100 of the component.
공용 메서드 SetExternalMetadataColumnDataTypeProperties Sets the data type properties of the specified external metadata column.
공용 메서드 SetExternalMetadataColumnProperty Sets an individual property on an external metadata column.
공용 메서드 SetInputColumnProperty Assigns a value to the IDTSCustomProperty100 of an IDTSInputColumn100 object.
공용 메서드 SetInputProperty Assigns a value to the IDTSCustomProperty100 of an IDTSInput100 object in the component.
공용 메서드 SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties Sets the data type properties of an IDTSOutputColumn100 object.
공용 메서드 SetOutputColumnProperty Assigns a value to the IDTSCustomProperty100 of an IDTSOutputColumn100 object.
공용 메서드 SetOutputProperty Call this method to set the IDTSCustomProperty100 of an IDTSOutput100 object of the component.
공용 메서드 SetUsageType Creates an IDTSInputColumn100 object in the IDTSInputColumnCollection100 of the component and sets the UsageType property of the column.
공용 메서드 ToString (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 메서드 Validate Verifies that the component is configured correctly and ready to execute.

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  이름 설명
공용 속성 BufferManager Sets the IDTSBufferManager100 object of the component.
공용 속성 ComponentMetaData Sets the IDTSComponentMetaData100 object for the component
공용 속성 EventInfos Sets the IDTSEventInfos100 collection that is associated with the component.
공용 속성 LogEntryInfos Gets the IDTSLogEntryInfos100 object to the component.
공용 속성 ReferenceTracker Sets the IDTSObjectReferenceTracker100 object that is associated with the component.
공용 속성 RequiredProductLevel Gets a value that indicates which edition of SQL Server the data flow component requires.
공용 속성 VariableDispenser Sets the IDTSVariableDispenser100 object that is associated with the component.

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