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ConnectionManager 멤버

The ConnectionManager class manages the connection to an instance of SQL Server.

ConnectionManager 형식은 다음 멤버를 노출합니다.


  이름 설명
보호된 메서드 CheckServerVersion Checks the version of the target instance of SQL Server.
공용 메서드 Connect Connects to the instance of SQL Server.
공용 메서드 Disconnect Disconnects from the instance of SQL Server.
공용 메서드 Equals (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
보호된 메서드 Finalize (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 메서드 GetHashCode (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 메서드 GetType (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
보호된 메서드 MemberwiseClone (Object에서 상속됩니다.)
보호된 메서드 ThrowIfPropertyNotSet(String, String) Throws an exception if the specified connection property is null or empty. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
보호된 메서드 ThrowIfPropertyNotSet(String, String, Boolean) Throws an exception if the specified connection property is null or, optionally, empty. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 메서드 ToString Returns the referenced object name as a string. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)

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  이름 설명
공용 속성 ApplicationName Gets or sets the name of the application that has established the connection with the server. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 AutoDisconnectMode Gets or sets the automatic disconnection mode of the referenced connection to the instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 CapturedSql Gets the Transact-SQL statements that are captured when the connection is running in capture mode.
공용 속성 ConnectAsUser Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection is established using impersonation. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 ConnectAsUserName Gets or sets the name of the user when connecting using impersonation. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 ConnectAsUserPassword Gets or sets the password for the user when connecting using impersonation. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 ConnectionString Gets or sets the connection string used to establish a connection with a specified data source. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 ConnectTimeout Gets or sets the connection time-out period in seconds. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 DatabaseName Gets or sets the database required by the connection. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 EncryptConnection Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection is encrypted. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 InUse Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection is being used.
공용 속성 IsOpen Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection is currently open.
공용 속성 LockTimeout Gets or sets the time in seconds required for the connection to time out when the current transaction is locked.
공용 속성 Login Gets or sets the logon required to establish a connection with the instance of the server. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 LoginSecure Gets or sets the Boolean property that specifies whether the connection is established to the server by using Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 MaxPoolSize Gets or sets the maximum number of connections in a connection pool that the specified connection accepts when establishing a connection with a server. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 MinPoolSize Gets or sets the minimum number of connections in a connection pool that the specified connection accepts when establishing a connection with a server. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 MultipleActiveResultSets Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether more than one active result set is permitted. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 NetworkProtocol Gets or sets the network protocol used to establish the connection to the server. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 NonPooledConnection Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection may be pooled or nonpooled. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 PacketSize Gets or sets the packets of data sent between the client and the server over the network in bytes. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 Password Gets or sets the password used with the logon to establish a connection with the server when SQL Server Authentication is used. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 PooledConnectionLifetime Gets or sets the lifetime of the pooled connection. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 SecureConnectionString Gets or sets an encrypted version of the connection string. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 SecurePassword Gets or sets the secure password used with the logon to establish a connection with the server when SQL Server Authentication is used. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 ServerInstance Gets or sets the name of the server. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)
공용 속성 ServerVersion Gets the version of the connected instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 SqlConnectionObject Gets the connection object.
공용 속성 WorkstationId Gets or sets the ID value that uniquely identifies the workstation. (ConnectionSettings에서 상속됩니다.)

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  이름 설명
공용 이벤트 InfoMessage The event that occurs when the instance of SQL Server generates an informational message.
공용 이벤트 RemoteLoginFailed This event occurs when a remote login fails to connect to the instance of SQL Server.
공용 이벤트 ServerMessage The event that occurs when SQL Server returns a warning or informational message on the current connection.
공용 이벤트 StateChange The event that occurs when the instance of SQL Server changes state.
공용 이벤트 StatementExecuted The event that occurs when the instance of SQL Server executes a statement on the current connection.

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