다음을 통해 공유

ReportExecutionService.NavigateBookmark 메서드

Navigates to a specific bookmark in the report.

네임스페이스:  ReportExecution2005
어셈블리:  ReportExecution2005(ReportExecution2005.dll)


Public Function NavigateBookmark ( _
    BookmarkID As String, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef UniqueName As String _
) As Integer
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As ReportExecutionService 
Dim BookmarkID As String 
Dim UniqueName As String 
Dim returnValue As Integer 

returnValue = instance.NavigateBookmark(BookmarkID, _
public int NavigateBookmark(
    string BookmarkID,
    out string UniqueName
int NavigateBookmark(
    String^ BookmarkID, 
    [OutAttribute] String^% UniqueName
member NavigateBookmark : 
        BookmarkID:string * 
        UniqueName:string byref -> int
public function NavigateBookmark(
    BookmarkID : String, 
    UniqueName : String
) : int

매개 변수

  • UniqueName
    유형: System.String%
    The name of the report item that the client should use to position the view area.

반환 값

유형: System.Int32
An integer containing the page number that corresponds to the bookmark ID, or 0 if the BookMarkID is invalid or is not found.


The table below shows header and permissions information on this operation.

SOAP Header Usage

(In) TrustedUserHeaderValue

(In) ExecutionHeaderValue

(Out) ServerInfoHeaderValue

Native Mode Required Permissions


SharePoint Mode Required Permissions


Bookmarks are included in the rendered report. You must parse the rendering to obtain the ID of the bookmark.

참고 항목


ReportExecutionService 클래스

ReportExecution2005 네임스페이스