다음을 통해 공유

SqlDeploymentOptions 클래스

Contains deployment options values used for deployment

상속 계층


네임스페이스:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Deployment
어셈블리:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensions(Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensions.dll)


Public Class SqlDeploymentOptions
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As SqlDeploymentOptions
public class SqlDeploymentOptions
public ref class SqlDeploymentOptions
type SqlDeploymentOptions =  class end
public class SqlDeploymentOptions

SqlDeploymentOptions 유형에서 다음 멤버를 표시합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 속성 AllowDropBlockingAssemblies Get or set boolean that specifies whether CLR deployment will cause blocking assemblies to be dropped.
공용 속성 AllowIncompatiblePlatform Get or set boolean that specifies whether deployment will block due to platform compatibility.
공용 속성 BackupDatabaseBeforeChanges Get or set boolean that specifies whether a database backup will be performed before proceeding with the actual deployment actions.
공용 속성 BlockOnPossibleDataLoss Get or set boolean that specifies whether deployment should stop if the operation could cause data loss.
공용 속성 BlockWhenDriftDetected Get or set boolean that specifies whether the system will check for differences between the present state of the database and the registered state of the database and block deployment if changes are detected. Even if this option is set to true, drift detection will only occur on a database if it was previously deployed with the RegisterDataTierApplication option enabled.
공용 속성 CommentOutSetVarDeclarations Get or set boolean that specifies whether the declaration of SQLCMD variables are commented out in the script header.
공용 속성 CompareUsingTargetCollation Get or set boolean that specifies whether the source collation will be used for identifier comparison.
공용 속성 CreateNewDatabase Get or set boolean that specifies whether the existing database will be dropped and a new database created before proceeding with the actual deployment actions. Acquires single-user mode before dropping the existing database.
공용 속성 DeployDatabaseInSingleUserMode Get or set boolean that specifies whether the system will acquire single-user mode on the target database during the duration of the deployment operation.
공용 속성 DisableAndReenableDdlTriggers Get or set boolean that specifies if all DDL triggers will be disabled for the duration of the deployment operation and then re-enabled after all changes are applied.
공용 속성 DoNotAlterChangeDataCaptureObjects Get or set boolean that specifies whether items configured for Change Data Capture (CDC) should be altered during deployment.
공용 속성 DoNotAlterReplicatedObjects Get or set boolean that specifies whether items configured for Replication should be altered during deployment.
공용 속성 DropConstraintsNotInSource Get or set boolean that specifies whether to drop all constraints that do not exist in the source model.
공용 속성 DropDmlTriggersNotInSource Get or set boolean that specifies whether to drop all DML triggers that do not exist in the source model.
공용 속성 DropExtendedPropertiesNotInSource Get or set boolean that specifies whether to drop all extended properties that do not exist in the source model.
공용 속성 DropIndexesNotInSource Get or set boolean that specifies whether to drop all indexes that do not exist in the source model.
공용 속성 DropObjectsNotInSource Get or set boolean that specifies whether objects that exist in the target but not source should be dropped during deployment.
공용 속성 DropPermissionsNotInSource Get or set boolean that specifies whether to drop all permissions that do not exist in the source model.
공용 속성 DropRoleMembersNotInSource Get or set boolean that specifies whether to drop all role memberships that do not exist in the source model.
공용 속성 GenerateSmartDefaults Get or set boolean that specifies whether default values should be generated to populate NULL columns that are constrained to NOT NULL values.
공용 속성 IgnoreAnsiNulls Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the ANSI_NULL option from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreAuthorizer Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the AUTHORIZATION option from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreColumnCollation Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the collation specifier from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreComments Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude comments from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreCryptographicProviderFilePath Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the file specification of a cryptographic provider from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreDdlTriggerOrder Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude DDL trigger order from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreDdlTriggerState Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude DDL trigger state from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreDefaultSchema Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the DEFAULT_SCHEMA option from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreDmlTriggerOrder Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude DML trigger order from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreDmlTriggerState Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude DML trigger state from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreExtendedProperties Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude all extended properties from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreFileAndLogFilePath Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the FILENAME option of FILE objects from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreFilegroupPlacement Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the filegroup specifier from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreFileSize Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the SIZE option of FILE objects from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreFillFactor Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the FILLFACTOR option from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreFullTextCatalogFilePath Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the path specification of FULLTEXT CATALOG objects from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreIdentitySeed Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the seed value of IDENTITY columns from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreIncrement Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the increment value of IDENTITY columns from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreIndexOptions Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude differences in index options from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreIndexPadding Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the PAD_INDEX option from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreKeywordCasing Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude difference in the casing of keywords from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreLockHintsOnIndexes Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS and ALLOW_PAGE_LOGKS options from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreLoginSids Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the SID option of the LOGIN object from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreNotForReplication Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the NOT FOR REPLICATION option from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreObjectPlacementOnPartitionScheme Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the partition scheme object from consideration when comparing the source and target model for the following objects: Table, Index, Unique Key, Primary Key, and Queue.
공용 속성 IgnorePartitionSchemes Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the parameter type and boundary VALUES of a PARTITION FUNCTION from consideration when comparing the source and target model. Also excludes FILEGROUP and partition function of a PARTITION SCHEMA from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnorePermissions Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude all permission statements from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreQuotedIdentifiers Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the QUOTED_IDENTIFIER option from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreRoleMembership Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude all ROLE MEMBERSHIP objects from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreRouteLifetime Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the LIFETIME option of ROUTE objects from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreSemicolonBetweenStatements Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the existence or absence of semi-colons from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreTableOptions Get or set boolean that specifies whether the options on the target table are updated to match the source table.
공용 속성 IgnoreUserSettingsObjects Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude user settings from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreWhitespace Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude whitespace from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreWithNocheckOnCheckConstraints Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the CHECK|NO CHECK option of a CHECK constraint object from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IgnoreWithNocheckOnForeignKeys Get or set boolean that specifies whether to exclude the CHECK|NO CHECK option of a FOREIGN KEY constraint object from consideration when comparing the source and target model.
공용 속성 IncludeCompositeObjects Get or set boolean that specifies whether to include referenced, external elements that also compose the source model and then update the target database in a single deployment operation.
공용 속성 IncludeTransactionalScripts Get or set boolean that specifies whether to use transations during the deployment operation and commit the transaction after all changes are successfully applied.
공용 속성 NoAlterStatementsToChangeClrTypes Get or set boolean that specifies whether to force a change to CLR assemblies by dropping and recreating them.
공용 속성 PopulateFilesOnFileGroups Get or set boolean that specifies whether files are supplied for filegroups defined in the deployment source.
공용 속성 RegisterDataTierApplication Get or set boolean that specifies whether the database will be registered as a Data-Tier Application. If the target database is already a registered Data-Tier Application, then the registration will be updated.
공용 속성 ScriptDatabaseCollation Get or set boolean that specifies whether the target database should be altered to match the source model's collation.
공용 속성 ScriptDatabaseCompatibility Get or set boolean that specifies whether the target database should be altered to match the source model's compatibility level.
공용 속성 ScriptDatabaseOptions Get or set boolean that specifies whether the database options in the target database should be updated to match the source model.
공용 속성 ScriptDeployStateChecks Get or set boolean that specifies whether the target database should be checked to ensure that it exists, is online and can be updated.
공용 속성 ScriptFileSize Get or set boolean that specifies whether a file size is specified when adding files to file groups.
공용 속성 ScriptNewConstraintValidation Get or set boolean that specifies whether constraints are validated after all changes are applied.
공용 속성 ScriptRefreshModule Get or set boolean that specifies whether referencing procedures are refreshed when referenced objects are updated.
공용 속성 SqlCommandVariableValues Get dictionary of SQL command variable values, keyed by variable name.
공용 속성 TargetConnectionString Get string that specifies the target connection string
공용 속성 TargetDatabaseExists Gets boolean that if set specifies whether the target database exists
공용 속성 TargetDatabaseName Gets string that specifies the target database name
공용 속성 TargetingServerless Get boolean that specifies whether the target server is LocalDB
공용 속성 TreatVerificationErrorsAsWarnings Get or set boolean that specifies whether the deployment operation should proceed when errors are generated during plan verification.
공용 속성 UnmodifiableObjectWarnings Get or set boolean that specifies whether the deployment operation should proceed when errors are generated during plan verification.
공용 속성 VerifyCollationCompatibility Get or set boolean that specifies whether deployment will verify that the collation specified in the source model is compatible with the collation specified in the target model.
공용 속성 VerifyDeployment Get or set boolean that specifies whether the plan verification phase is executed or not.

맨 위로 이동


  이름 설명
공용 메서드 Equals (Object에서 상속됨)
보호된 메서드 Finalize (Object에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 GetHashCode (Object에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 GetType (Object에서 상속됨)
보호된 메서드 MemberwiseClone (Object에서 상속됨)
공용 메서드 ToString (Object에서 상속됨)

맨 위로 이동

스레드 보안

이 유형의 모든 공용 static(Visual Basic에서는 Shared) 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전합니다. 인스턴스 멤버는 스레드로부터의 안전성이 보장되지 않습니다.

참고 항목


Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Deployment 네임스페이스