다음을 통해 공유

ModelReader.ModelExists 메서드

Checks for a matching model by name and/or ID.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment
어셈블리:  Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment(Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment.dll)


Public Function ModelExists ( _
    targetModelId As Identifier, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef isNameMatch As Boolean, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef isIdMatch As Boolean _
) As Boolean
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As ModelReader 
Dim targetModelId As Identifier 
Dim isNameMatch As Boolean 
Dim isIdMatch As Boolean 
Dim returnValue As Boolean 

returnValue = instance.ModelExists(targetModelId, _
    isNameMatch, isIdMatch)
public bool ModelExists(
    Identifier targetModelId,
    out bool isNameMatch,
    out bool isIdMatch
bool ModelExists(
    Identifier^ targetModelId, 
    [OutAttribute] bool% isNameMatch, 
    [OutAttribute] bool% isIdMatch
member ModelExists : 
        targetModelId:Identifier * 
        isNameMatch:bool byref * 
        isIdMatch:bool byref -> bool
public function ModelExists(
    targetModelId : Identifier, 
    isNameMatch : boolean, 
    isIdMatch : boolean
) : boolean

매개 변수

  • isNameMatch
    유형: System.Boolean%
    true to a name that passed in, and the name has a match; otherwise, false.
  • isIdMatch
    유형: System.Boolean%
    true to an ID that passed in, and the ID has a match; otherwise, false.

반환 값

유형: System.Boolean
true if there is a model that matches targetModelId (per rules above); otherwise, false.


Note that both of the out parameters can be true and the result false, if the name and ID both match, but they match different models.

ModelExists throws ArgumentNullException if targetModelId is nullnull 참조(Visual Basic에서는 Nothing).

ModelExists throws ArgumentException if neither a name nor an ID was provided. At least one of those must be given.

참고 항목


ModelReader 클래스

Microsoft.MasterDataServices.Deployment 네임스페이스