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MiningColumnDistribution 열거형

Describes the distribution of the MiningModelColumn.

네임스페이스:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
어셈블리:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient(Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll)


Public Enumeration MiningColumnDistribution
‘사용 방법
Dim instance As MiningColumnDistribution
public enum MiningColumnDistribution
public enum class MiningColumnDistribution
type MiningColumnDistribution
public enum MiningColumnDistribution


멤버 이름 설명
Custom Represents a custom distribution, defined by the provider.
LogNormal Represents a distribution in which the curve is elongated at the upper end and is skewed toward the lower end.
Missing Represents an unspecified distribution.
Normal Represents a distribution in which the curve has a normal (bell-curve) distribution.
Uniform Represents a distribution in which all values are equally likely.

참고 항목


Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient 네임스페이스