다음을 통해 공유

AccountTypes 클래스

Contains a fixed set of account types. This class cannot be changed or inherited.

상속 계층


네임스페이스:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
어셈블리:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices(Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class AccountTypes
‘사용 방법
public static class AccountTypes
public ref class AccountTypes abstract sealed
type AccountTypes =  class end
public final class AccountTypes

AccountTypes 유형에서 다음 멤버를 표시합니다.


  이름 설명
공용 필드정적 멤버 Asset Represents the asset account type.
공용 필드정적 멤버 Balance Represents a Balance account type.
공용 필드정적 멤버 Expense Represents an Expense account type.
공용 필드정적 멤버 Flow Represents a Flow account type.
공용 필드정적 멤버 Income Represents an Income account type.
공용 필드정적 멤버 Liability Represents a Liability account type.
공용 필드정적 멤버 Statistical Represents a Statistical account type.

맨 위로 이동


새 항목:   2006년 7월 17일

This class contains a list of constant values that are the basic account types. The account type can only be Asset, Balance, Expense, Flow, Income, Liability, or Statistical. AccountType values cannot be added to this class, they should be maintained independently by a user application.

To add your own account type values to a dimension, that dimension should be created as an Account type, see DimensionType and Dimension.

The following example in C# demonstrates the contents of the AccountTypes class.

SortedList<String, String> accountTypes = new SortedList<string, string>();
accountTypes.Add("Asset", AccountTypes.Asset);
accountTypes.Add("Balance", AccountTypes.Balance);
accountTypes.Add("Expense", AccountTypes.Expense);
accountTypes.Add("Flow", AccountTypes.Flow);
accountTypes.Add("Income", AccountTypes.Income);
accountTypes.Add("Liability", AccountTypes.Liability);
accountTypes.Add("Statistical", AccountTypes.Statistical);
foreach (String key in accountTypes.Keys)
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(key + " --> " + accountTypes[key]);

You should see the following results.

Asset --> Asset

Balance --> Balance

Expense --> Expense

Flow --> Flow

Income --> Income

Liability --> Liability

Statistical --> Statistical

The values in the right column represent the contents for each of the constant literals.

스레드 보안

이 유형의 모든 공용 static(Visual Basic에서는 Shared) 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전합니다. 인스턴스 멤버는 스레드로부터의 안전성이 보장되지 않습니다.

참고 항목


Microsoft.AnalysisServices 네임스페이스