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JobServer 속성

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  이름 설명
공용 속성 AgentDomainGroup Gets the SQL Server Agent domain group.
공용 속성 AgentLogLevel Gets or sets the type of messages that are logged by SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 AgentMailType Gets or sets the mail type for SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 AgentShutdownWaitTime Gets or sets the time that SQL Server Agent waits for jobs to complete execution before shutting down.
공용 속성 AlertCategories Represents a collection of AlertCategory objects. Each AlertCategory object represents an alert category defined on SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 Alerts Represents a collection of Alert objects. Each Alert object represents an alert defined on SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 AlertSystem The AlertSystem object stores information that applies to all the alerts defined on SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 DatabaseMailProfile Gets or sets a Database Mail profile.
공용 속성 ErrorLogFile Gets or sets the name and path of the file in which SQL Server Agent records errors.
공용 속성 HostLoginName Gets or sets the login used to log in to SQL Server.
공용 속성 IdleCpuDuration Gets or sets the length of time in seconds that the processor must have to maintain the CPU idle percentage value before the processor is considered idle.
공용 속성 IdleCpuPercentage Gets or sets the CPU idle percentage threshold that the processor is required to achieve before it is considered idle.
공용 속성 IsCpuPollingEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether CPU polling is enabled.
공용 속성 JobCategories Represents a collection of JobCategory objects. Each JobCategory object represents a job category defined on Microsoft SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 Jobs Represents a collection of Job objects. Each Job object represents a job defined on SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 JobServerType Gets or sets the type of job server with regard to multiserver administration.
공용 속성 LocalHostAlias Gets or sets the local host alias that is used to connect to the local instance of SQL Server.
공용 속성 LoginTimeout Gets or sets the number of seconds after which an attempt to connect times out.
공용 속성 MaximumHistoryRows Gets or sets the maximum number of history rows retained.
공용 속성 MaximumJobHistoryRows Gets or sets the maximum number of history rows retained per job.
공용 속성 MsxAccountCredentialName Gets or sets the Windows account required to connect to the master server using Windows Authentication.
공용 속성 MsxAccountName Gets or sets the login required to connect to the master server using SQL Server Authentication.
공용 속성 MsxServerName Gets or sets the name of the master server participating in multiserver administration.
공용 속성 Name Gets the name of the SQL Server Agent service.
공용 속성 NetSendRecipient Gets or sets the recipient of net send messages.
공용 속성 OperatorCategories Represents a collection of OperatorCategory objects. Each OperatorCategory object represents an operator category defined on SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 Operators Represents a collection of Operator objects. Each Operator object represents an operator defined on SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 Parent Gets the Server object that is the parent of the JobServer object.
공용 속성 Properties Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties. (SqlSmoObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 ProxyAccounts Represents a collection of ProxyAccount objects. Each ProxyAccount object represents a proxy account defined on Microsoft SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 ReplaceAlertTokensEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether alert tokens are replaced on the instance of SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 SaveInSentFolder Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the notifications are saved.
공용 속성 ServiceAccount Gets the account under which the SQL Server Agent service runs
공용 속성 ServiceStartMode Gets the mode used to start the SQL Server Agent service.
공용 속성 SharedSchedules Represents a collection of JobSchedule objects. Each JobSchedule object represents a shared schedule defined on SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 SqlAgentAutoStart Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether SQL Server Agent is automatically started.
공용 속성 SqlAgentMailProfile Gets or sets a SQL Server Agent mail profile.
공용 속성 SqlAgentRestart Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether SQL Server Agent is monitored and restarted if it stops.
공용 속성 SqlServerRestart Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the SQL Server Service is monitored and restarted if it stops.
공용 속성 State Gets the state of the referenced object. (SmoObjectBase에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 SysAdminOnly Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether CmdExec and ActiveX commands can only be executed by members of the sysadmin fixed server role.
공용 속성 TargetServerGroups Represents a collection of TargetServerGroup objects. Each TargetServerGroup object represents a target server group defined on SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 TargetServers Represents a collection of TargetServer objects. Each TargetServer object represents a target server defined on SQL Server Agent.
공용 속성 Urn Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. (SqlSmoObject에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 UserData Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (SmoObjectBase에서 상속됨)
공용 속성 WriteOemErrorLog Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether to write the error log to a non-Unicode file or not.

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JobServer 클래스

Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent 네임스페이스