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TechNet Magazine May 2013

TechNet Magazine May 2013

Virtualization:The benefits of VDI

Using virtual desktop infrastructure can give you a degree of flexibility and ease of management using limited resources. Jorge Orchilles

IT Management:Capacity planning

You need a data-driven system to perform effective and accurate capacity planning for project workloads. Ryan Haveson

IIS:Enable IIS remote management

You can use Windows PowerShell remoting to expedite enabling remote management from a remote server. Jason Helmick

Virtualization:Run Hyper-V on commodity hardware

You don’t need high-end hardware to run Hyper-V. When properly configured, you can run Hyper-V on mere mortal machines. Brien Posey

IT Management:IT events: community, content, commerce

Trade shows and other gatherings of IT professionals provide a forum for sharing ideas and developing a sense of community. Romi Mahajan

Windows 8:Go mobile with Windows 8

Many of the improvements made to Windows 8 are designed to streamline and help you manage your mobile connectivity. Billy Anders

Cloud Computing:Cloud mergers and acquisitions

There can be sales taxes and government fees associated with the mergers and acquisitions of cloud computing services. Allison Rule, Jonathan Marashlian

SharePoint 2010:Grow your Sharepoint farm

SharePoint includes a number of tools and management interfaces for configuring and managing your SharePoint farm. Corey Erkes, Steve Wright

SQL Q&A:Keep your data manageable

This month, our SQL Server columnist helps readers parse through differing data, develop strategy and manage data with filegroups. Paul S. Randal


Editor's Note:Use what you've got

You can optimize your existing resources with an effective virtualization strategy.Lafe Low

Windows Confidential:Once bitten, twice shy

You have to be careful what you include in your default links history, because it may inadvertently cause problems.Raymond Chen

Geek of All Trades:Certificates made easy: part 2

You can create and provision custom certificates relatively easily following this process.Greg Shields

Windows PowerShell:Workflow activities in depth

Each month this year, Don Jones will present an installment in a 12-part tutorial on Windows PowerShell Workflow. We encourage you to read through the series in order, beginning with the January 2013 column.Don Jones

Toolbox:New products for IT professionals

These two systems-monitoring products give you a sweeping view of network operations, right down to system-level details.Greg Steen

Utility Spotlight:Manage and update Internet Explorer 10

You can use the Internet Explorer Administration Kit or Group Policy to control and modify settings in IE 10.Lance Whitney