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TechNet Magazine October 2010

TechNet Magazine October 2010

Desktop Security:Take the ‘Defense in Depth’ Approach

The “Defense in Depth” approach represents a complete security philosophy—one that helps protect the computing environment from numerous attack vectors. Joshua Hoffman

Network Security:The Four Pillars of Endpoint Security

By focusing on these fundamental aspects of network security, you can keep the bad guys out and the good data in. Dan Griffin

Windows Azure:Cost Architecting for Windows Azure

Designing applications and solutions for cloud computing and Windows Azure requires a completely different way of considering the operating costs. Maarten Balliauw

Cloud Computing:Get to Know SQL Azure

With SQL Azure, you can realize the benefits of a familiar relational database platform, plus the benefits of cloud computing. Joshua Hoffman

Cloud Computing:Cloud Security: Safely Sharing IT Solutions

You can share IT solutions between the fixed cost of local resources and the variable cost of cloud resources without losing control of access to enterprise assets. Let us show you how. Dan Griffin

IT Management Issues:The CIO Conundrum

The challenges faced by your CIO have a direct impact on your job today, and your future as an IT and business professional.


Windows PowerShell:The Many Options for Out

There are more ways to generate output using Windows PowerShell than you may think. Here are some that have recently come to light.Don Jones

Windows Confidential:Leftovers from Windows 3.0

Some leftover interface elements dating back to the days of Windows 3.0 let you remove and hide icons in several different ways.Raymond Chen

Editor's Note:The Many Facets of Security

The job of securing your company's networks, endpoints, desktops, mobile devices, storage, cloud efforts and everything else can seem overwhelming at times.Lafe Low

Geek of All Trades:Monitoring Servers with System Center Essentials 2010

Where PerfMon falls short, Essentials comes in with a powerful, flexible, configurable option for monitoring just about any aspect your servers exhibit.Greg Shields

Toolbox:New Products for IT Professionals

This month, the TechNet IT toolbox includes tools for consolidating monitoring data, automatically adjusting the brightness of your monitor, and scheduling and managing tasks.Greg Steen

Exchange Queue&A:Gone to the DAGs

Using database availability groups is a great idea, especially because you can copy and store them in multiple locations—but mind the addressing issues.Henrik Walther

Utility Spotlight:A Look at Windows Live Mesh 2011

Lance Whitney