CTypedPtrArray::operator [ ]
These inline operators call BASE_CLASS**::operator [ ]**.
TYPE& operator[ ](
INT_PTR nIndex
TYPE operator[ ](
INT_PTR nIndex
) const;
Template parameter specifying the type of elements stored in the array.nIndex
An integer index that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the value returned by BASE_CLASS**::GetUpperBound**.
The first operator, called for arrays that are not const, can be used on either the right (r-value) or the left (l-value) of an assignment statement. The second, invoked for const arrays, can be used only on the right.
The Debug version of the library asserts if the subscript (either on the left or right side of an assignment statement) is out of bounds.
Header: afxtempl.h