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방법: 고해상도 타이머 사용

업데이트: 2007년 11월

일부 장치에서는 고해상도 타이머를 지원합니다. 이 타이머가 있으면 해상도가 1밀리초인 TickCount 속성을 사용할 때보다 시간을 정확하게 측정할 수 있습니다. 정확한 시간 측정이 중요한 응용 프로그램에서 고해상도 타이머를 사용하면 최상의 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 일부 Direct3D 응용 프로그램은 애니메이션이 고해상도 타이머를 기반으로 하는 경우에 보다 부드럽게 표시됩니다. 응용 프로그램에서 이 타이머를 사용하여 코드의 섹션이나 메서드를 실행하는 데 필요한 시간을 확인할 수도 있습니다.


이 코드 예제에서는 Windows CE의 관리 코드에서 고해상도 타이머를 손쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 해 주는 클래스를 제공합니다. 이 예제에는 다음과 같은 기능이 포함되어 있습니다.

  • Windows CE에서 네이티브 메서드에 대한 플랫폼 호출 선언

  • 고해상도 카운터의 빈도를 가져오는 데 사용하는 속성

  • 고해상도 카운터의 값을 가져오는 데 사용하는 속성

  • QueryPerformanceCounter 함수가 지원되지 않거나 에뮬레이트되는 경우 TickCount 속성을 대신 지원하는 구현

  • 고해상도 카운터를 사용하여 작업 시간을 측정하는 방법을 보여 주는 예제

Public Class HiResTimer
    Private isPerfCounterSupported As Boolean = False
    Private timerFrequency As Int64 = 0

    ' Windows CE native library with QueryPerformanceCounter().
    Private Const [lib] As String = "coredll.dll"

    Public Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "Coredll.dll" _
    (ByRef count As Int64) As Integer

    Public Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "Coredll.dll" _
    (ByRef timerFrequency As Int64) As Integer    

    Public Sub New() 
        ' Query the high-resolution timer only if it is supported.
        ' A returned frequency of 1000 typically indicates that it is not
        ' supported and is emulated by the OS using the same value that is
        ' returned by Environment.TickCount.
        ' A return value of 0 indicates that the performance counter is
        ' not supported.
        Dim returnVal As Integer = QueryPerformanceFrequency(timerFrequency)

        If returnVal <> 0 AndAlso timerFrequency <> 1000 Then
            ' The performance counter is supported.
            isPerfCounterSupported = True
            ' The performance counter is not supported. Use
            ' Environment.TickCount instead.
            timerFrequency = 1000
        End If

    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property Frequency() As Int64 
            Return timerFrequency
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Value() As Int64 
            Dim tickCount As Int64 = 0

            If isPerfCounterSupported Then
                ' Get the value here if the counter is supported.
                Return tickCount
                ' Otherwise, use Environment.TickCount
                Return CType(Environment.TickCount, Int64)
            End If
        End Get
    End Property

    Shared Sub Main() 
        Dim timer As New HiResTimer()

        ' This example shows how to use the high-resolution counter to 
        ' time an operation. 
        ' Get counter value before the operation starts.
        Dim counterAtStart As Int64 = timer.Value

        ' Perform an operation that takes a measureable amount of time.
        Dim count As Integer
        For count = 0 To 9999
            count += 1
            count -= 1
        Next count

        ' Get counter value after the operation ends.
        Dim counterAtEnd As Int64 = timer.Value

        ' Get time elapsed in tenths of milliseconds
        Dim timeElapsedInTicks As Int64 = counterAtEnd - counterAtStart
        Dim timeElapseInTenthsOfMilliseconds As Int64 = timeElapsedInTicks * 10000 / timer.Frequency

        MessageBox.Show("Time Spent in operation (tenths of ms) " + timeElapseInTenthsOfMilliseconds.ToString + vbLf + "Counter Value At Start: " + counterAtStart.ToString + vbLf + "Counter Value At End : " + counterAtEnd.ToString + vbLf + "Counter Frequency : " + timer.Frequency.ToString)

    End Sub
End Class
public class HiResTimer
    private bool isPerfCounterSupported = false;
    private Int64 frequency = 0;

    // Windows CE native library with QueryPerformanceCounter().
    private const string lib = "coredll.dll";
    private static extern int QueryPerformanceCounter(ref Int64 count);
    private static extern int QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref Int64 frequency);

    public HiResTimer()
        // Query the high-resolution timer only if it is supported.
        // A returned frequency of 1000 typically indicates that it is not
        // supported and is emulated by the OS using the same value that is
        // returned by Environment.TickCount.
        // A return value of 0 indicates that the performance counter is
        // not supported.
        int returnVal = QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref frequency);

        if (returnVal != 0 && frequency != 1000)
            // The performance counter is supported.
            isPerfCounterSupported = true;
            // The performance counter is not supported. Use
            // Environment.TickCount instead.
            frequency = 1000;

    public Int64 Frequency
            return frequency;

    public Int64 Value
            Int64 tickCount = 0;

            if (isPerfCounterSupported)
                // Get the value here if the counter is supported.
                QueryPerformanceCounter(ref tickCount);
                return tickCount;
                // Otherwise, use Environment.TickCount.
                return (Int64)Environment.TickCount;

    static void Main()
        HiResTimer timer = new HiResTimer();

        // This example shows how to use the high-resolution counter to 
        // time an operation. 

        // Get counter value before the operation starts.
        Int64 counterAtStart = timer.Value;

        // Perform an operation that takes a measureable amount of time.
        for (int count = 0; count < 10000; count++)

        // Get counter value when the operation ends.
        Int64 counterAtEnd = timer.Value;

        // Get time elapsed in tenths of a millisecond.
        Int64 timeElapsedInTicks = counterAtEnd - counterAtStart;
        Int64 timeElapseInTenthsOfMilliseconds =
            (timeElapsedInTicks * 10000) / timer.Frequency;

        MessageBox.Show("Time Spent in operation (tenths of ms) "
                       + timeElapseInTenthsOfMilliseconds +
                       "\nCounter Value At Start: " + counterAtStart +
                       "\nCounter Value At End : " + counterAtEnd +
                       "\nCounter Frequency : " + timer.Frequency);

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.NET Compact Framework의 응용 프로그램 빌드 및 핵심 작업

.NET Compact Framework의 상호 운용성