다음을 통해 공유


Adds a group of colors to the regular color area.

void AddColorsGroup(
   LPCTSTR lpszName,
   const CList<COLORREF,COLORREF>& lstColors,
   BOOL bContiguousColumns=FALSE 


  • [in] lpszName
    The group name.

  • [in] lstColors
    The list of colors.

  • [in] bContiguousColumns
    Controls how the color items are displayed in the group. If TRUE, the color items are drawn without a vertical spacing. If FALSE, the color items are drawn with a vertical spacing.


Use this function to make the color pop-up display several groups of colors. You can control how the colors are displayed in group.


Header: afxribboncolorbutton.h

See Also


CMFCRibbonColorButton Class

Hierarchy Chart