다음을 통해 공유

XmlSchemaReferenceException 클래스

Represents errors reported by the XmlSchemaSetBuilder when a call to XmlSchemaSetBuilder.Compile reports errors.

네임스페이스: Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor
어셈블리: microsoft.visualstudio.xmleditor.dll의 Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor



<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class XmlSchemaReferenceException
    Inherits Exception
public class XmlSchemaReferenceException : Exception
public ref class XmlSchemaReferenceException : public Exception
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */ 
public class XmlSchemaReferenceException extends Exception
public class XmlSchemaReferenceException extends Exception


When a call to XmlSchemaSetBuilder.Compile reports a resolution error, it is useful for applications to understand exactly which XmlSchemaSetBuilder.Sources collection caused the error. An XmlSchemaReferenceException is reported for each XmlSchemaReference in the Sources collection that directly or indirectly references a schema that resulted in resolution errors.

As an example, consider a schema attempting to include xsdtest1.xsd, which in turn includes xsdtest2.xsd. Suppose that xsdtest2.xsd includes xsdtest3.xsd and xsdtest3.xsd includes unknownlocation.xsd. A FileNotFound exception will be reported, because unknownlocation.xsd was not found. The raised XmlSchemaReferenceException will point to the original XmlSchemaReference for xsdtest1.xsd, to inform the user that this reference resulted in down-stream errors.

상속 계층


스레드 보안

이 형식의 모든 public static(Visual Basic의 경우 Shared) 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전합니다. 모든 인스턴스 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전하지 않을 수 있습니다.


개발 플랫폼

Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 , Windows Server 2008 및 Windows 2000

대상 플랫폼

참고 항목


XmlSchemaReferenceException 멤버
Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor 네임스페이스