다음을 통해 공유

XmlEditingScope 멤버

Represents a change to the XmlStore.

다음 표에는 XmlEditingScope 유형으로 제공되는 멤버의 목록이 나와 있습니다.

보호됨 생성자

  이름 설명
XmlEditingScope Initializes a new instance of the XmlEditingScope class.


공개 속성

  이름 설명
public property IsUndo Returns a boolean value indicating whether this XmlEditingScope is the result of an Undo or Redo operation.
public property Name Gets the name provided in XmlEditingScope.
public property Parent Returns the parent object if this XmlEditingScope has a parent.
public property Status Returns the status of this XmlEditingScope.
public property Store Gets the XmlStore instance that created this XmlEditingScope.
public property UndoScope Returns the original XmlEditingScope that created the undo unit if this XmlEditingScope comes from the UndoRedoCompleted event. Returns null in other cases.
public property UserState Gets the state object that was provided to the BeginEditingScope method.


공개 메서드

(보호됨 메서드 참고)

  이름 설명
public method Changes 오버로드되었습니다. Returns a list of all pending XmlModelChange objects for the specified model.
public method Complete Completes all edits that were made while this XmlEditingScope object was active on any of the XmlModel objects in the associated XmlStore. This method pushes the changes to the underlying IVsTextLines buffers, and adds an undo unit to the IOleUndoManager provided to the associated XmlStore instance.
public method Dispose Releases all resources used by the current instance of the XmlEditingScope class.
public method Equals  오버로드되었습니다. (Object에서 상속됨)
public method GetHashCode  (Object에서 상속됨)
public method GetType  (Object에서 상속됨)
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (Object에서 상속됨)
public method Revert Reverts all the changes made while this XmlEditingScope object was active and sets the parse tree back to the state it was in before this XmlEditingScope began. The XmlEditingScopeStatus is set to Reverted. If this XmlEditingScope is the top-most parent, an EditingScopeCompleted event will be raised on the associated XmlStore. You can tell whether the XmlEditingScope was reverted in your EditingScopeCompleted event handler by checking the XmlEditingScopeStatus.
public method ToString  (Object에서 상속됨)


보호됨 메서드

  이름 설명
protected method Finalize  (Object에서 상속됨)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Object에서 상속됨)


참고 항목


XmlEditingScope 클래스
Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor 네임스페이스