MoveableDecoratorHostShapeBase Class
Double-derived base class for DomainClass MoveableDecoratorHostShape
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.Diagrams.10.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.Diagrams.10.0.dll)
<DisplayNameResourceAttribute("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.MoveableDecoratorHostShape.DisplayName", _
GetType(CoreDesignSurfaceDomainModel), "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GeneratedCode.DomainModelResx")> _
<CLSCompliantAttribute(True)> _
<DomainObjectIdAttribute("e28c3a7b-3b34-4364-b68d-24b2d7d39e57")> _
<DomainModelOwnerAttribute(GetType(CoreDesignSurfaceDomainModel))> _
<DescriptionResourceAttribute("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.MoveableDecoratorHostShape.Description", _
GetType(CoreDesignSurfaceDomainModel), "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GeneratedCode.DomainModelResx")> _
Public MustInherit Class MoveableDecoratorHostShapeBase _
Inherits DecoratorHostShape
typeof(CoreDesignSurfaceDomainModel), "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GeneratedCode.DomainModelResx")]
typeof(CoreDesignSurfaceDomainModel), "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GeneratedCode.DomainModelResx")]
public abstract class MoveableDecoratorHostShapeBase : DecoratorHostShape
typeof(CoreDesignSurfaceDomainModel), L"Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GeneratedCode.DomainModelResx")]
typeof(CoreDesignSurfaceDomainModel), L"Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GeneratedCode.DomainModelResx")]
public ref class MoveableDecoratorHostShapeBase abstract : public DecoratorHostShape
typeof(CoreDesignSurfaceDomainModel), "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GeneratedCode.DomainModelResx")>]
typeof(CoreDesignSurfaceDomainModel), "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.GeneratedCode.DomainModelResx")>]
type MoveableDecoratorHostShapeBase =
inherit DecoratorHostShape
public abstract class MoveableDecoratorHostShapeBase extends DecoratorHostShape
The MoveableDecoratorHostShapeBase type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
MoveableDecoratorHostShapeBase | Constructor. |
Name | Description | |
AbsoluteBoundingBox | The bounding rectangle of the shape, measured relative to the Diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
AbsoluteBoundingBoxToEnsureVisible | Gets the absolute bounding rectangle for DiagramClientView.EnsureVisible. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AbsoluteBounds | A domain property that gets or sets the size and position of the bounding rectangle of the shape, measured relative to the top left of the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
AbsoluteCenter | Gets the point in the center of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AccessibilityObject | Gets the accessibility object for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AccessibleDefaultActionDescription | Gets the default action description for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AccessibleDescription | Gets the description for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AccessibleHelp | Gets the Help for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AccessibleHelpTopicFileName | Gets the Help topic for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AccessibleHelpTopicId | Gets the ID of the Help topic for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AccessibleName | Provides an AccessibleName for this DecoratorHostShape using the AccessibleValue of the Field contained by the shapes Decorator. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
AccessibleRole | Gets the role of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AccessibleState | Gets the state of the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
AccessibleValue | Gets the value of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AllowsChildrenInSelection | If true, the children of this shape can be included in the current selection group. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AllowsChildrenToResizeParent | true if this shape can be resized when the size or position of a child shape is changed. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
AllowsChildrenToShrinkParent | If true, this shape will reduce in size to fit around its children when they are re-sized or moved. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Anchoring | Describes how the shape should position and size itself as the parent shape moves and resizes. Alter the returned object as required. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Angle | ||
AutoResizeParentOnBoundsChange | Gets the child shape and verifies whether its parent shape should be resized when the absolute bounds for the child shape change. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
BackgroundBrushId | Gets the ID for the brush that is used to paint the background of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
BackgroundGradientMode | Gets the gradient for the background of the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
BoundingBox | Gets the bounding rectangle of the shape, measured relative to the ParentShape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Bounds | A domain property that gets or sets the size and position of the bounding rectangle of the shape, measured relative to the top left of the ParentShape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
BoundsRules | (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
CanExpandAndCollapse | Gets the shape and verifies whether a user can expand and collapse it. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
CanFocus | Gets the shape and verifies whether it can receive the focus. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
CanMove | DecoratorHostShape cannot be moved by the user. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
CanResize | Gets the shape and verifies whether a user can resize it. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
CanSelect | DecoratorHostShape cannot be selected by the user. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
Center | Gets the point in the center of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ClassStyleSet | (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
ClipWhenDrawingFields | Gets the child shape and verifies whether its clipping region should be set to the bounding box for the parent shape when the child shape is drawn. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ConnectionPoints | A list of points on the perimeter of a shape at which connectors can terminate. By default, a shape has no connection points, and connectors can terminate anywhere on its perimeter. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Decorator | (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
Decorators | Gets the collection of decorators for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
DefaultContainerMargin | Gets the margin between the parent shape and its nested child shapes. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
DefaultShapeField | Gets the default shape, which is the first shape that can receive focus. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
DefaultSize | Gets the default size of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Diagram | Gets the diagram to which the shape belongs. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Distance | ||
EnsureVisiblePreference | Preferences for the EnsureVisible method for this Shape. Default value is to return the VisiblePreference for the Diagram hosting this Shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Events | Gets the list of event handlers for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FixedFlags | Make decorators permeable to connectors (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
ForwardEventsToParent | Gets or sets whether Key and Mouse events to this class should be forwarded to the parent shape. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
FromRoleLinkShapes | Gets the collection of link shapes for which this shape is the source. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
GeometryBackgroundBrushId | Gets the ID of the brush that is used to paint the background of the geometry. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GeometryBoundingBox | Gets the bounding box of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GeometryCanResizeBottom | Gets the shape and verifies whether the user can resize it vertically, starting at the bottom. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
GeometryCanResizeLeft | Gets the shape and verifies whether the user can resize it horizontally, starting on the left. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
GeometryCanResizeRight | Gets the shape and verifies whether the user can resize it horizontally, starting on the right. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
GeometryCanResizeTop | Gets the shape and verifies whether the user can resize it vertically, starting at the top. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
GeometryHasFilledBackground | Gets the shape and verifies whether its background is painted. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GeometryHasOutline | Gets the shape and verifies whether it has an outline. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GeometryHasShadow | true if the shape has a shadow; otherwise, false. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GeometryOutlinePenId | Gets the ID of the pen that draws the outline for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GeometryStyleSet | Gets the style set for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GridSize | If non-zero, this shape and its children will snap to a grid of this size. Defaults to ParentShape.GridSize. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
HasAnchoring | True if there are any settings in the Anchoring. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
HasBackgroundGradient | Gets the shape and verifies whether it has a gradient for its background. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
HasChildren | true if the shape has child shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
HasConnectionPoints | True if the ConnectionPoints list is not empty. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
HasCustomToolTip | Gets the shape and verifies whether it has a custom tooltip. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
HasDragOverToolTip | Gets the shape and verifies whether it has a tooltip. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
HasFilledBackground | DecoratorHostShape doesn't have a filled background (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
HasHighlighting | DecoratorHostShape doesn't have a highlight. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
HasOutline | DecoratorHostShape has no outline (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
HasShadow | DecoratorHostShape has no shadow. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
HasToolTip | Decorator has tooltip (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
Id | Gets the ID of the element. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
IsActive | Gets the IsActive flag and verifies to see whether the element is active. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
IsDeleted | Gets the IsDeleted flag and checks to see whether the element has been deleted from the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
IsDeleting | Gets the IsDeleting flag and verifies whether the element is currently being deleted from the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
IsExpanded | Gets the shape and verifies or sets whether it is expanded. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
IsNestedChild | true if this shape element is in the NestedChildShapes of its ParentShape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
IsPlaceRouteNode | True if the shape’s position can be adjusted (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
IsPort | true if the shape is a port shape; otherwise, false. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
IsRelativeChild | true if this shape element is in the RelativeChildShapes of its ParentShape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
IsVisible | If true, the shape appears on the diagram; if false, it does not appear, and layout and routing algorithms ignore it. See also Hide() and Show(). (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
LayoutObjectFixedFlags | Gets or sets the flags that determine whether a shape inside the graph is fixed to its position on the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
LineAdjustAwayDefault | Gets the shape and verifies whether child link shapes should try to align when they are connected to same shape or sets this value. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
LineAffinityDefault | Gets or sets the target location where the link shape should try to position the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
LineToLineClearance | Gets or sets the distance between child link shapes for this shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
LineToNodeClearance | Gets or sets the distance between child link shapes and child node shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Link | Gets a list of link shapes. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Location | Gets or sets the coordinates of the top-left corner of the shape's bounds relative to its ParentShape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
ManuallyPlaced | Gets or sets the value of ManuallyPlaced domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.DecoratorHostShape.Manually Placed (Inherited from DecoratorHostShapeBase.) | |
ManuallySized | Gets or sets the value of ManuallySized domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.DecoratorHostShape.Manually Sized (Inherited from DecoratorHostShapeBase.) | |
MaximumSize | Gets the maximum size for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
MinimumResizableSize | Gets the minimum size to which the shape can be resized. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
MinimumSize | Gets the minimum size for the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
ModelElement | Gets or sets the model element that is associated with the presentation element. (Inherited from PresentationElement.) | |
NestedChildShapes | The list of shapes that are part of this shape, and are constrained to appear within the boundaries of this shape or diagram. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
NestedShapesMargin | Gets the margin between the shape's bounding box and its nested node shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
NodeToNodeClearance | Gets or sets the margin between child node shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OutlinePenId | Gets the ID of the pen that is used to draw the outline of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OutlinePenWidth | Gets the width of the outline for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
PaintMoveableDecoratorSelectionLines | (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ParentLink | Gets the relationship instance from the shape to the parent shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ParentShape | Gets the parent shape element. To appear on a diagram, a shape or connector must have a parent. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Partition | Gets or sets the Partition that contains the element. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
Perimeter | Gets the perimeter (path) around the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
PortFixedFlags | Gets the flags that determine whether a port shape is fixed to its position. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
RelatedShapeToEmphasize | Gets the related shape to visually emphasize to the user when this shape is selected. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
RelativeChildShapes | The list of shapes that are part of this shape, but can appear outside the boundaries of this shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ResizableSides | Gets the sides of the shape that the user can resize. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
ShapeFields | (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
ShapeGeometry | Gets the geometry for the shape, such as Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, or Ellipse, which defines operations associated with the outline of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ShouldAutoPlaceChildShapes | Gets a shape and verifies whether its nested child shapes should be automatically positioned on the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
ShouldTryParentShapeForMergeOnToolboxDoubleClick | If true, when the user double-clicks a toolbox item with this shape selected, if the tool cannot be merged with this shape, then a merge with the parent shape will be attempted. Defaults to true. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Size | Gets or sets the size of the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Store | Gets the Store that contains the element. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
StyleSet | Defines styles for this shape. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
Subject | Gets or sets the subject for the presentation element. Defaults to the same object as ModelElement. (Inherited from PresentationElement.) | |
TargetToolboxItemFilterAttributes | Gets a collection of attributes that determine which items are enabled or disabled in the Toolbox. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ToRoleLinkShapes | Gets the collection of link shapes for which this shape is the target. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
ZOrder | Determines the order in which this shape will be displayed relative to other shapes on the diagram. Normally set from the order of child shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) |
Name | Description | |
AccessibleDoDefaultAction | Performs the default action for the accessible object. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Associate | Assigns a model element to the presentation element. The same effect as setting ModelElement. (Inherited from PresentationElement.) | |
AutoLayoutChildShapes | Positions the collection of shapes in the diagram automatically. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
CalculateDerivedVisible | Verifies whether the child shape appears. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
CalculateMinimumSizeBasedOnChildren | Calculates the minimum size needed so that the shape can include its child shapes. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
CanMerge | Verifies whether a source element can be added to this element. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
ChooseMergeTarget(ElementGroup) | Selects a target element to accept as its child an element that the user wants to copy, drag, or create. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
ChooseMergeTarget(ElementGroupPrototype) | Selects a target element to accept as its child an element that the user wants to copy, drag, or create. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
ChooseParentShape | Selects a parent shape for a new child shape, typically this shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ChooseRelationship | Called by FixUpChildShapes() to get the relationship to create between the child shape and its parent shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
CoerceSelection | Allows a shape to determine which other shapes are selected. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Collapse | Collapses the shape so that its nested child shapes are not visible. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
ConfiguredChildPortShape | Configures a child port shape and positions it, if necessary. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Copy() | Creates a copy of the element in the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
Copy(IEnumerable<Guid>) | Creates a copy of the element and its child links and elements. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
CreateBackgroundGradientField | Creates the area field, which displays the gradient fill in the background of the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
CreateChildShape | Creates a shape and adds it as a child to this shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
CreateClassStyleSet | DecoratorHostShape does not implement a class style set. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
CreateConnectionPoint | A connection point is a point on the edge of a shape at which connectors are terminated in preference to other points on the edge. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
CreateDecorators | Creates a collection of decorators for the shape type. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
CreateDefaultBounds | Creates default bounding rectangle for the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
CreateInstanceStyleSet | DecoratorHostShape inherits its parent shape's style set. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
CreateShapeFields | Creates a collection of shape fields for the shape type. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Delete() | Deletes an element from the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
Delete(array<Guid[]) | Deletes an element from the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
DetermineHighlightShape | Finds the highlighted shape in a chain of shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
DoFoldToShape | Calculates the point where a connector will touch the perimeter of a shape. Override this if you define a non-rectangular shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
DoHitTest(PointD, DiagramHitTestInfo) | Returns true if the specified point is within the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
DoHitTest(PointD, DiagramHitTestInfo, Boolean) | Returns true if the specified point is within the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
DoHitTestSelection | Returns true if a given point is in the selection handles around the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
DoKeyboardNavigation | Navigates the from shape to shape, using the keyboard. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
DrawResizeFeedback | Draws the resizing feedback for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
EnsureConnectionPoints | Override to set points on the edge of the shape at which connectors should terminate. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
EnsureGraphExists | Verifies whether the grid exists for the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
EnsureGraphLayoutObjectsExist | Verifies whether the shape and its child shapes are in the graph wrapper. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ExcludeFromClipRegion | Excludes the shape and its child shapes from the clipping region. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ExcludeGeometryFromClipRegion | Excludes the geometry of a shape and its child shapes from the clipping region. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ExcludeShapeFromSizeCalculation | If true the shape will not be taken into account to calculate the size of the parent shape (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Expand | Expands the shape so that its nested child shapes are visible and fit inside it. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
FindDecorator(String) | Finds the shape decorator that has a given name. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FindFirstChild | Searches for the first child in the navigation sequence for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FindFreeArea(RectangleD) | Finds an empty area on the grid for the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
FindFreeArea(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) | Finds an empty area on the grid for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FindLastChild | Searches for the last child in the navigation sequence for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FindNextChild | Searches for the next child in the navigation sequence for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FindNextInChildFields | Searches for the next shape field in the navigation sequence. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FindPreviousChild | Searches for the previous child in the navigation sequence for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FindPreviousInChildFields | Searches for the previous shape field in the navigation sequence. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FindShapeField(String) | Searches for a shape field in a shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
FixUpChildShapes | Creates or adjusts the child shapes that should be created when a model element is created or updated. Called by Diagram.FixUpDiagram(). (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Focused | Verifies whether the shape has the focus. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetAbsoluteBoundsValue | Gets the absolute bounds for the shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
GetAccessibilityObject | Gets the accessible object that is assigned to the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetChildElements | Gets a collection of child shapes that belong to the parent shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetCompliantAnchorPoint | Calculates compliant AnchorPoint based of the proposedAnchorPoint parameter. This method completely ignores the co-ordinates of the anchorPoint parameter. Calculations are done based on the co-ordinates of the proposedAnchorPoint and the anchorPoint at opposite end of the link corresponding to the anchorPoint parameter. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
GetCursor | Gets the pointer that appears when the mouse is over the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetDomainClass | Gets the most-derived domain class for this element. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
GetDragOverToolTipText | Gets the tooltip text that appears when the mouse is over the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetFieldAccessibleDescription | Gets the description for a field in the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetFieldAccessibleName | Gets the name of a field in the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetFieldAccessibleValue | Gets the value for a field in the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetFieldRepresentedElement | Gets the primary element that the child shape represents. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetFieldRepresentedProperty | Gets the property information for a field in the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetIsExpandedValue | Gets the value for the IsExpanded property. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
GetPotentialMouseAction | Gets the mouse action to perform for a mouse down event over a specific point in the diagram. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetRoleCollection<TCollection, TElement>(Guid) | Gets or creates the linked element collection (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
GetShapeLuminosity | Calculates the luminosity of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetSubFieldAccessibleDescription | Gets the description for a child field in the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetSubFieldAccessibleName | Gets the name of a child field in the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetSubFieldAccessibleValue | Gets the value for a child field in the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetSubFieldRepresentedElements | Gets a collection of elements that the shape for the child field represents. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetSubFieldRepresentedProperty | Gets the property for the child field. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetSubFieldRepresentedPropertyElements | Gets the element that contains the property for the child field. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
GetToolTipText | Text of tooltip (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
HasCachedDragOverResult | Verifies whether the results are cached for the drag-over mouse event. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Hide | Hides the shape and all its children. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
HideCustomToolTip | Hides the custom tooltip for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
InitializeDecorators | Initializes and adds fields to the shape type. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
InitializeInstanceResources | Initializes the resources for an instance of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
InitializeResources | Initializes the resources for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
InitializeShapeFields | (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
Invalidate() | Makes sure that the shape and its immediate surroundings will be repainted at the end of the transaction. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Invalidate(Boolean) | Makes sure that the shape will be repainted at the end of the transaction. Call this if you have changed properties of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Invalidate(RectangleD) | Makes sure that the shape and its old location will be repainted at the end of the transaction. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
IsDescendantOf | Verifies whether the shape is a descendent of another shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
IsNavigationKey(Char) | Verifies whether the key is used as a navigational command. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
IsNavigationKey(Keys) | Verifies whether the key data is used as a navigational command. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
IterateShapes | Iterates through a shape and its child shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MergeConfigure | Not used for presentation elements. (Inherited from PresentationElement.) | |
MergeDisconnect | Disconnects a source element from a target element. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
MergeRelate | Creates a relationship between a model element and a group of model elements. (Inherited from PresentationElement.) | |
ModifyLuminosity | Calculates the luminosity of the highlight for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
MoveByRepositioning(DiagramDragEventArgs) | Repositions the shapes in the group by the amount that the position of the mouse determines. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
MoveByRepositioning(ElementGroupPrototype, DiagramItemCollection, PointD, DiagramItem) | Repositions the shapes in the group by the amount that the position of the mouse determines. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
NavigateAcrossLinks | Selects the shapes or sets the focus on the shapes that are connected to this shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
NavigateAscend | Navigates to the next ancestor in the navigation sequence and updates the focus. Called in response to user navigation keystrokes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
NavigateDescend | Navigates to the next descendent in the navigation sequence and updates the focus. Called in response to user navigation keystrokes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
NavigateTo | Navigates to a specific shape in the navigation sequence and updates the focus. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
NavigateToFirst | Navigates to the first shape in the navigation sequence in the parent of the current selection. Called in response to user navigation keystrokes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
NavigateToLast | Navigates to the last shape in the navigation sequence in the parent of the current selection. Called in response to user navigation keystrokes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
NavigateToNext | Navigates to the next shape in the navigation sequence. Called in response to user navigation keystrokes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
NavigateToPrevious | Navigates to the previously selected shape in the navigation sequence. Called in response to user navigation keystrokes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnAbsoluteBoundsChanged | Called when the size or location of the shape have changed. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
OnAssociatedPropertyChanged | Called when a property mapped to this shape changes. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
OnBeforePaint | Updates resources, such as pens and brushes, before they are used to paint the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnBeginEdit | Called when the user starts to edit a text field. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnBoundsFixup | Override this method to customize how the bounds for the shape are determined. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
OnChildConfigured | Configures a port on the shape after the shape is added to the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
OnChildConfiguring | Configures the port on the shape when the shape is being added to the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
OnClick | Overrides OnClick to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
OnCopy | Called when this element has been created as a copy of another element. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
OnDeleted | Called when this element has been deleted from the model. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
OnDeleting | Called when this element is about to be deleted. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
OnDoubleClick | Overrides OnDoubleClick to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
OnDragDrop | Called when the user drags an item onto the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnDragEnter | Called when the mouse enters a shape during a drag operation. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnDragLeave | Called when the mouse moves out of a shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnDragOver | Override this method to respond to the movement of the mouse over the shape. Set e.Effect to indicate the cursor feedback to the user. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnEndEdit | Called when the user ends editing a text field. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnInitialize | Called to initialize the shape. Override this to attach event handlers and rules to this object. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnKeyDown | Overrides OnKeyDown to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
OnKeyPress | Overrides OnKeyPress to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
OnKeyUp | Overrides OnKeyUp to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
OnManuallyPlacedChanged | Called when ManuallyPlaced property changes. Base implementation does nothing. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShapeBase.) | |
OnMouseDown | Overrides OnMouseDown to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
OnMouseEnter | Called when the mouse enters a shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnMouseHover | Called when the mouse hovers over a shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnMouseLeave | Called when the mouse leaves a shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnMouseMove | Called repeatedly when the user moves the mouse. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnMouseUp | Overrides OnMouseUp to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
OnMouseWheel | Called when the user has rotated the mouse wheel. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnOrphaned | Called when a (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnPaintEmphasis | Called when emphasis has been applied to the selected shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnPaintFeedback | Called when drag-and-drop feedback is painted. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnPaintSelection | Called to paint the selection highlight. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnPaintShape | Called to paint the basic parts of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnParentNodeShapeChanged | This method is invoked if a) ParentShape is NodeShape b) ParentShape either moved or resized. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
OnResurrected | Called when this element has been added back to a model. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
OnRolePlayerPositionChanged | Called when the position of a role has changed. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
OnRolePlayerPositionChanging | Called when a role player position is about to change. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
OnShapeInserted | Called when a shape has been inserted as a child of another. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
OnShapeRemoved | Called when the shape has been removed as a child shape from its parent shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
PerformResizeParentRule() | Alerts the Domain-Specific Language Designer that a parent shape must be resized to match its child shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
PerformResizeParentRule(Boolean, ShapeElement) | Alerts the Domain-Specific Language Designer that a parent shape must be resized to match its child shapes. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
PerformShapeAnchoringRule | Anchors the shape to the diagram. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
PermitChildVisibility | Verifies whether the child shape can appear. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
ProcessVisibilityChange | Processes a shape's change in visibility. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
PurgeLayoutObjects | Removes the objects that are used to position the shape on the diagram grid. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
PurgePoints | Removes points for the shape on the diagram grid. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
RebuildShape | Rebuilds the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
RemoveLayoutObject | Removes the shape, including any relative and nested child shapes, from the diagram grid. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Selected | Verifies whether the shape is selected in a specified view. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
SetAbsoluteBoundsValue | Sets the value for the AbsoluteBounds property. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
SetBoundsRules | Associates bounds rules with this host shape. May be necessary for increased control over shape positioning. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
SetInitialGraphLayoutVisibility | Sets the visibility of the graph. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
SetIsExpandedValue | Sets the value for the IsExpanded property. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
SetShowHideState | Sets the visibility of the shape and all its children. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
SetShowHideStateImplementation | Sets the visibility of the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ShouldAddShapeForElement | Determines whether a shape should be created to represent a given domain class instance on the diagram. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ShouldReparentOnMove | Verifies whether a child shape should be added to a new parent when the child shape is moved. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Show | Makes a shape and all its children visible. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
ShowCustomToolTip | Makes a shape's custom tooltip visible. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
Side | Assigns a side of the shape to the port. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
ToString | Gets the name of the shape and its type. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
TranslateGeometryToAbsoluteBounds | Converts the relative bounds to absolute bounds for the shape's geometry. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
TranslateGeometryToRelativeBounds | Converts the absolute bounds to relative bounds for the shape's geometry. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
TranslateToAbsoluteBounds | Converts the relative bounds to absolute bounds for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
TranslateToRelativeBounds | Converts the absolute bounds to relative bounds for the shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
UpdateChildVisibility | Updates the visibility status for the child shape. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
UpdateDerivedVisible | Updates the visible state of the derived shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
UpdateGeometryLuminosity(DiagramClientView, Brush) | Updates the luminosity for the brush. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
UpdateGeometryLuminosity(DiagramClientView, Pen) | Updates the luminosity for the pen. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) |
Name | Description | |
AbsoluteBoundsChanged | Occurs when the absolute bounds for the shape change. (Inherited from NodeShape.) | |
Click | Occurs when the user clicks the mouse over a shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
DoubleClick | Occurs when the user double-clicks the mouse. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
KeyDown | Occurs when the user presses a key. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
KeyPress | Occurs when the user presses and releases a key. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
KeyUp | Occurs when the user releases a key. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
MouseDown | Occurs when the user presses the mouse button. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
MouseMove | Occurs when the user moves the mouse. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
MouseUp | Occurs when the user releases the mouse button. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) | |
MouseWheel | Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel. (Inherited from ShapeElement.) |
Extension Methods
Name | Description | |
AddExtension(Guid) | Overloaded. Extend this ModelElement with newly instantiated extension of the identified domain type. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of that type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
AddExtension(Type) | Overloaded. Extend this ModelElement with a newly instantiated extension of the specified type. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of that type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
AddExtension(DomainClassInfo) | Overloaded. Extend this ModelElement with a newly instantiated extension of the specified domain type. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of that type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
AddExtension(ExtensionElement) | Overloaded. Extend this ModelElement with a specific extension. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of the same type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
AddExtension<T>() | Overloaded. Extend this ModelElement with a newly instantiated extension of a particular type. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of the same type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
CanDelete | Deletes the element from the model. (Defined by ImmutabilityExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAllExtensions | Return an enumerable that performs a breadth first traversal across the tree of extension elements embedded in this ModelElement. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
GetBaseElement | Returns the root of the virtual MEL in which the specified ModelElement is participating. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
GetExtension(Guid) | Overloaded. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
GetExtension(Type) | Overloaded. Get the ExtensionElement of the specified type from the available extensions of this ModelElement. If the element has no such extension then an InvalidOperationException will be raised. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
GetExtension(DomainClassInfo) | Overloaded. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
GetExtension<T>() | Overloaded. Get the ExtensionElement of the specified type from the available extensions of this ModelElement. If the element has no such extension then an InvalidOperationException will be raised. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
GetLocks | Get the lock flags for this element. This will include any locks enabled on the Partition containing the element. (Defined by ImmutabilityExtensionMethods.) | |
IsExtendedBy(Guid) | Overloaded. Query whether this ModelElement is currently extended by an ExtensionElement of a particular type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
IsExtendedBy(Type) | Overloaded. Query whether this ModelElement is currently extended by an ExtensionElement of a particular type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
IsExtendedBy(DomainClassInfo) | Overloaded. Query whether this ModelElement is currently extended by an ExtensionElement of a particular type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
IsLocked | Test whether this element has any of a specified set of locks (Defined by ImmutabilityExtensionMethods.) | |
RemoveExtension(Type) | Overloaded. Remove any extension of this ModelElement that is of a particular type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
RemoveExtension(Guid) | Overloaded. Remove any extension of the specified ModelElement that is of a particular type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
RemoveExtension(DomainClassInfo) | Overloaded. Remove any extension of the specified ModelElement that is of a particular type. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
RemoveExtension(ExtensionElement) | Overloaded. Remove a specified ExtensionElement from the extensions of this ModelElement. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
SetLocks | Set the lock flags of this element (Defined by ImmutabilityExtensionMethods.) | |
TryGetExtension(Guid) | Overloaded. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
TryGetExtension(Type) | Overloaded. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
TryGetExtension(DomainClassInfo) | Overloaded. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) | |
TryGetExtension<T>() | Overloaded. Get the ExtensionElement of the specified type from the available extensions of this ModelElement. If this element has no such extension then the result will be null. (Defined by ModelElementExtensionMethods.) |
Name | Description | |
AngleDomainPropertyId | Angle domain property Id. | |
DistanceDomainPropertyId | Distance domain property Id. | |
DomainClassId | MoveableDecoratorHostShape domain class Id. |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Name | Description | |
ILineLabel.AdjustPosition | Auto-adjust the position of this ILineLabel. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
ILineLabel.UpdateLabelOffset | This method is called when the position/size of the ILineLabel is explicitly changed by the user. (Inherited from DecoratorHostShape.) | |
IMergeElements.CanMerge | Returns true if this element can merge with the content of the prototype. (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
IMergeElements.ChooseMergeTarget(ElementGroup) | (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
IMergeElements.ChooseMergeTarget(ElementGroupPrototype) | (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
IMergeElements.MergeConfigure | (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
IMergeElements.MergeDisconnect | (Inherited from ModelElement.) | |
IMergeElements.MergeRelate | (Inherited from ModelElement.) |
Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.