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GenerateResource Task


This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Converts between .txt and .resx (XML-based resource format) files and common language runtime binary .resources files that can be embedded in a runtime binary executable or compiled into satellite assemblies. This task is typically used to convert .txt or .resx files to .resource files. The GenerateResource task is functionally similar to resgen.exe.


The following table describes the parameters of the GenerateResource task.

Parameter Description
AdditionalInputs Optional ITaskItem[] parameter.

Contains additional inputs to the dependency checking done by this task. For example, the project and targets files typically should be inputs, so that if they are updated, all resources are regenerated.
EnvironmentVariables Optional String[] parameter.

Specifies an array of name-value pairs of environment variables that should be passed to the spawned resgen.exe, in addition to (or selectively overriding) the regular environment block.
ExcludedInputPaths Optional ITaskItem[] parameter.

Specifies an array of items that specify paths from which tracked inputs will be ignored during Up to date checking.
ExecuteAsTool Optional Boolean parameter.

If true, runs tlbimp.exe and aximp.exe from the appropriate target framework out-of-proc to generate the necessary wrapper assemblies. This parameter allows multi-targeting of ResolveComReferences.
FilesWritten Optional ITaskItem[] output parameter.

Contains the names of all files written to disk. This includes the cache file, if any. This parameter is useful for implementations of Clean.
MinimalRebuildFromTracking Optional Boolean parameter.

Gets or sets a switch that specifies whether tracked incremental build will be used. If true, incremental build is turned on; otherwise, a rebuild will be forced.
NeverLockTypeAssemblies Optional Boolean parameter.

Specifies the name of the generated files, such as .resources files. If you do not specify a name, the name of the matching input file is used and the .resources file that is created is placed in the directory that contains the input file.
OutputResources Optional ITaskItem[] output parameter.

Specifies the name of the generated files, such as .resources files. If you do not specify a name, the name of the matching input file is used and the .resources file that is created is placed in the directory that contains the input file.
PublicClass Optional Boolean parameter.

If true, creates a strongly typed resource class as a public class.
References Optional String[] parameter.

References to load types in .resx files from. Resx file data elements may have a .NET type. When the .resx file is read, this must be resolved. Typically, it is resolved successfully by using standard type loading rules. If you provide assemblies in References, they take precedence.

This parameter is not required for strongly typed resources.
SdkToolsPath Optional String parameter.

Specifies the path to the SDK tools, such as resgen.exe.
Sources Required ITaskItem[] parameter.

Specifies the items to convert. Items passed to this parameter must have one of the following file extensions:

- .txt: Specifies the extension for a text file to convert. Text files can only contain string resources.
- .resx: Specifies the extension for an XML-based resource file to convert.
- .restext: Specifies the same format as .txt. This different extension is useful if you want to clearly distinguish source files that contain resources from other source files in your build process.
- .resources: Specifies the extension for a resource file to convert.
StateFile Optional ITaskItem parameter.

Specifies the path to an optional cache file that is used to speed up dependency checking of links in .resx input files.
StronglyTypedClassName Optional String parameter.

Specifies the class name for the strongly typed resource class. If this parameter is not specified, the base name of the resource file is used.
StronglyTypedFilename Optional ITaskItem parameter.

Specifies the filename for the source file. If this parameter is not specified, the name of the class is used as the base filename, with the extension dependent on the language. For example: MyClass.cs.
StronglyTypedLanguage Optional String parameter.

Specifies the language to use when generating the class source for the strongly typed resource. This parameter must match exactly one of the languages used by the CodeDomProvider. For example: VB or C#.

By passing a value to this parameter, you instruct the task to generate strongly typed resources.
StronglyTypedManifestPrefix Optional String parameter.

Specifies the resource namespace or manifest prefix to use in the generated class source for the strongly typed resource.
StronglyTypedNamespace Optional String parameter.

Specifies the namespace to use for the generated class source for the strongly typed resource. If this parameter is not specified, any strongly typed resources are in the global namespace.
TLogReadFiles Optional ITaskItem[] read-only parameter.

Gets an array of items that represent the read tracking logs.
TLogWriteFiles Optional ITaskItem[] read-only parameter.

Gets an array of items that represent the write tracking logs.
ToolArchitecture Optional [String]() parameter.

Used to determine whether or not Tracker.exe needs to be used to spawn ResGen.exe.

Should be parsable to a member of the ExecutableType enumeration. If String.Empty, uses a heuristic to determine a default architecture. Should be parsable to a member of the Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ExecutableType enumeration.
TrackerFrameworkPath Optional parameter.

Specifies the path to the appropriate .NET Framework location that contains FileTracker.dll.

If set, the user takes responsibility for making sure that the bitness of the FileTracker.dll that they pass matches the bitness of the ResGen.exe that they intend to use. If not set, the task decides the appropriate location based on the current .NET Framework version.
TrackerLogDirectory Optional parameter.

Specifies the intermediate directory into which the tracking logs from running this task will be placed.
TrackerSdkPath Optional parameter.

Specifies the path to the appropriate Windows SDK location that contains Tracker.exe.

If set, the user takes responsibility for making sure that the bitness of the Tracker.exe that they pass matches the bitness of the ResGen.exe that they intend to use. If not set, the task decides the appropriate location based on the current Windows SDK.
TrackFileAccess Optional [Boolean]() parameter.

If true, the directory of the input file is used for resolving relative file paths.
UseSourcePath Optional Boolean parameter.

If true, specifies that the input file's directory is to be used for resolving relative file paths.


Because .resx files may contain links to other resource files, it is not sufficient to simply compare .resx and .resource file timestamps to see if the outputs are up-to-date. Instead, the GenerateResource task follows the links in the .resx files and checks the timestamps of the linked files as well. This means that you should not generally use Inputs and Outputs attributes on the target containing the GenerateResource task, as this may cause it to be skipped when it should actually run.

In addition to the parameters listed above, this task inherits parameters from the TaskExtension class, which itself inherits from the Task class. For a list of these additional parameters and their descriptions, see TaskExtension Base Class.

When using MSBuild 4.0 to target .NET 3.5 projects, the build may fail on x86 resources. To work around this problem, you can build the target as an AnyCPU assembly.


The following example uses the GenerateResource task to generate .resources files from the files specified by the Resx item collection.


The GenerateResource task uses the <LogicalName> metadata of an <EmbeddedResource> item to name the resource that is embedded in an assembly.

Assuming that the assembly is named myAssembly, the following code generates an embedded resource named someQualifier.someResource.resources:

<ItemGroup>   <EmbeddedResource Include="myResource.resx">       <LogicalName>someQualifier.someResource.resources</LogicalName>   </EmbeddedResource></ItemGroup>  

Without the <LogicalName> metadata, the resource would be named myAssembly.myResource.resources. This example applies only to the Visual Basic and Visual C# build process.

See Also

Task Reference