다음을 통해 공유

_endthread, _endthreadex



Function Required Header Compatibility
_endthread <process.h> Win 95, Win NT
_endthreadex <process.h> Win 95, Win NT

For additional compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


LIBCMT.LIB Multithread static library, retail version
MSVCRT.LIB Import library for MSVCRT.DLL, retail version

Return Value




Thread exit code


The _endthread and _endthreadex functions terminate a thread created by _beginthread or _beginthreadex, respectively. You can call _endthread or _endthreadex explicitly to terminate a thread; however, _endthread or _endthreadex is called automatically when the thread returns from the routine passed as a parameter to _beginthread or _beginthreadex. Terminating a thread with a call to endthread or _endthreadex helps to ensure proper recovery of resources allocated for the thread.

Note   For an executable file linked with LIBCMT.LIB, do not call the Win32 API; this prevents the run-time system from reclaiming allocated resources. _endthread and _endthreadex reclaim allocated thread resources and then call ExitThread.

_endthread automatically closes the thread handle. (This behavior differs from the Win32 ExitThread API.) Therefore, when you use _beginthread and _endthread, do not explicitly close the thread handle by calling the Win32 API.

Like the Win32 ExitThread API, _endthreadex does not close the thread handle. Therefore, when you use _beginthreadex and _endthreadex, you must close the thread handle by calling the Win32 CloseHandle API.


/* BEGTHRD.C illustrates multiple threads using functions:
 *      _beginthread            _endthread
 * This program requires the multithreaded library. For example,
 * compile with the following command line:
 *     CL /MT /D "_X86_" BEGTHRD.C
 * If you are using the Visual C++ development environment, select the
 * Multi-Threaded runtime library in the compiler Project Options dialog
 * box.

#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>    /* _beginthread, _endthread */
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>

void Bounce( void *ch );
void CheckKey( void *dummy );

/* GetRandom returns a random integer between min and max. */
#define GetRandom( min, max ) ((rand() % (int)(((max) + 1) - (min))) + (min))

BOOL repeat = TRUE;     /* Global repeat flag and video variable */
HANDLE hStdOut;         /* Handle for console window */
CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi;    /* Console information structure */

void main()
    CHAR    ch = 'A';

    hStdOut = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );

    /* Get display screen's text row and column information. */
   GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( hStdOut, &csbi );

    /* Launch CheckKey thread to check for terminating keystroke. */
    _beginthread( CheckKey, 0, NULL );

    /* Loop until CheckKey terminates program. */
    while( repeat )
        /* On first loops, launch character threads. */
        _beginthread( Bounce, 0, (void *) (ch++)  );

        /* Wait one second between loops. */
        Sleep( 1000L );

/* CheckKey - Thread to wait for a keystroke, then clear repeat flag. */
void CheckKey( void *dummy )
    repeat = 0;    /* _endthread implied */


/* Bounce - Thread to create and and control a colored letter that moves
 * around on the screen.
 * Params: ch - the letter to be moved
void Bounce( void *ch )
    /* Generate letter and color attribute from thread argument. */
    char    blankcell = 0x20;
    char    blockcell = (char) ch;
    BOOL    first = TRUE;
   COORD   oldcoord, newcoord;
   DWORD   result;

    /* Seed random number generator and get initial location. */
    srand( _threadid );
    newcoord.X = GetRandom( 0, csbi.dwSize.X - 1 );
    newcoord.Y = GetRandom( 0, csbi.dwSize.Y - 1 );
    while( repeat )
        /* Pause between loops. */
        Sleep( 100L );

        /* Blank out our old position on the screen, and draw new letter. */
        if( first )
            first = FALSE;
         WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( hStdOut, &blankcell, 1, oldcoord, &result );
         WriteConsoleOutputCharacter( hStdOut, &blockcell, 1, newcoord, &result );

        /* Increment the coordinate for next placement of the block. */
        oldcoord.X = newcoord.X;
        oldcoord.Y = newcoord.Y;
        newcoord.X += GetRandom( -1, 1 );
        newcoord.Y += GetRandom( -1, 1 );

        /* Correct placement (and beep) if about to go off the screen. */
        if( newcoord.X < 0 )
            newcoord.X = 1;
        else if( newcoord.X == csbi.dwSize.X )
            newcoord.X = csbi.dwSize.X - 2;
        else if( newcoord.Y < 0 )
            newcoord.Y = 1;
        else if( newcoord.Y == csbi.dwSize.Y )
            newcoord.Y = csbi.dwSize.Y - 2;

        /* If not at a screen border, continue, otherwise beep. */
        Beep( ((char) ch - 'A') * 100, 175 );
    /* _endthread given to terminate */

Process and Environment Control Routines

See Also   _beginthread