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How to: Retrieve the .NET Framework Version (C++/CLI)


The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on docs.microsoft.com.

The latest version of this topic can be found at How to: Retrieve the .NET Framework Version (C++/CLI).

The following code example demonstrates how to determine the version of the currently installed .NET Framework with the Version property, which is a pointer to a Version object that contains the version information.


// dotnet_ver.cpp  
// compile with: /clr  
using namespace System;  
int main()   
   Version^ version = Environment::Version;  
   if (version)  
      int build = version->Build;  
      int major = version->Major;  
      int minor = version->Minor;  
      int revision = Environment::Version->Revision;  
      Console::Write(".NET Framework version: ");  
            build, major, minor, revision);  
   return 0;  

See Also

Windows Operations (C++/CLI)
.NET Programming with C++/CLI (Visual C++)