다음을 통해 공유

IClaimsIdentity 멤버

Defines the data and behavior of a claims-based representation of a single user.

다음 표에서는 IClaimsIdentity 유형에서 제공하는 멤버를 나열합니다.

공용 속성

  이름 설명
public property Actor Gets or sets the T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.IClaimsIdentity of the calling party that was granted delegation rights.
public property BootstrapToken Gets or sets the token that this identity was originally created from.
public property Claims A collection of Claim objects. It supports getting a Claim at a given index. Refer to the Claim class definition for details.
public property Label A string label for the user who is represented by this IClaimsIdentity.
public property NameClaimType The assigned Claim type to be used as the IIdentity.Name property. It is represented as a string.
public property RoleClaimType Gets the claim type used for M:System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal.IsInRole(System.String).

공용 메서드

  이름 설명
public method Copy Returns a new IClaimsIdentity-derived object copied from this object.

참고 항목


IClaimsIdentity 인터페이스
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims 네임스페이스

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