다음을 통해 공유

WSTrustServiceContract 멤버

Definition of Trust Contract Implementation. Implements the following ServiceContract interfaces, 1. IWSTrustFeb2005SyncContract 2. IWSTrust13SyncContract 3. IWSTrustFeb2005AsyncContract 4. IWSTrust13AsyncContract

다음 표에서는 WSTrustServiceContract 유형에서 제공하는 멤버를 나열합니다.

공용 생성자

  이름 설명
  WSTrustServiceContract Initializes an instance of T:Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.WSTrustServiceContract

공용 속성

  이름 설명
public property SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration Gets the SecurityTokenServiceConfiguration.

공용 메서드

(보호 메서드 참조)

  이름 설명
public method AddBindingParameters Inherited from IContractBehavior Configures any binding elements to support the contract behavior.
public method ApplyClientBehavior Inherited from IContractBehavior. The contract description for which the extension is intended.
public method ApplyDispatchBehavior Inherited from IContractBehavior. Implements a modification or extension of the client across a contract.
public method BeginTrust13Cancel Process an Asynchronous call to Trust Feb 1.3 Cancel message.
public method BeginTrust13CancelResponse  
public method BeginTrust13Issue Process an Asynchronous call to Trust 1.3 Issue message.
public method BeginTrust13IssueResponse  
public method BeginTrust13Renew Process an Asynchronous call to Trust 1.3 Renew message.
public method BeginTrust13RenewResponse  
public method BeginTrust13Validate Process an Asynchronous call to Trust 1.3 Validate message.
public method BeginTrust13ValidateResponse  
public method BeginTrustFeb2005Cancel Process an Asynchronous call to Trust Feb 2005 Cancel message.
public method BeginTrustFeb2005CancelResponse  
public method BeginTrustFeb2005Issue Process an Asynchronous call to Trust Feb 2005 Issue message.
public method BeginTrustFeb2005IssueResponse  
public method BeginTrustFeb2005Renew Process an Asynchronous call to Trust Feb 2005 Renew message.
public method BeginTrustFeb2005RenewResponse  
public method BeginTrustFeb2005Validate Process an Asynchronous call to Trust Feb 2005 Validate message.
public method BeginTrustFeb2005ValidateResponse  
public method EndTrust13Cancel Complete an Asynchronous call to Trust 1.3 Cancel message.
public method EndTrust13CancelResponse  
public method EndTrust13Issue Complete an Asynchronous call to Trust 1.3 Issue message.
public method EndTrust13IssueResponse  
public method EndTrust13Renew Complete an Asynchronous call to Trust 1.3 Renew message.
public method EndTrust13RenewResponse  
public method EndTrust13Validate Complete an Asynchronous call to Trust 1.3 Validate message.
public method EndTrust13ValidateResponse  
public method EndTrustFeb2005Cancel Complete an Asynchronous call to Trust Feb 2005 Cancel message.
public method EndTrustFeb2005CancelResponse  
public method EndTrustFeb2005Issue Complete an Asynchronous call to Trust Feb 2005 Cancel message.
public method EndTrustFeb2005IssueResponse  
public method EndTrustFeb2005Renew Complete an Asynchronous call to Trust Feb 2005 Renew message.
public method EndTrustFeb2005RenewResponse  
public method EndTrustFeb2005Validate Complete an Asynchronous call to Trust Feb 2005 Validate message.
public method EndTrustFeb2005ValidateResponse  
public method Equals  오버로드되었습니다. (Object에서 상속)
public method ExportContract Implementation for IWsdlExportExtension.ExportContract. The default implementation does nothing. Can be overridden in the derived class for specific behavior.
public method ExportEndpoint Implements IWsdlExportExtensions.ExportEndpoint. The default implementation does the following: For every Trust contract found, 1. Includes the appropriate trust namespace in the WSDL. 2. Imports the appropriate Trust schema and all dependent schemas. 3. Fixes the Messages of each operation to it appropriate WS-Trust equivalent. Trust Contract exposed by the Framework takes a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message in and returns a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message out. But Trust messages expects and RST and returns an RSTR/RSTRC. This method fixes the message names with the appropriate WS-Trust messages.
public method GetHashCode  (Object에서 상속)
public method GetType  (Object에서 상속)
public method ProcessTrust13Cancel Process a Trust 1.3 Cancel message synchronously.
public method ProcessTrust13CancelResponse  
public method ProcessTrust13Issue Process a Trust 1.3 Issue message synchronously.
public method ProcessTrust13IssueResponse  
public method ProcessTrust13Renew Process a Trust 1.3 Renew message synchronously.
public method ProcessTrust13RenewResponse  
public method ProcessTrust13Validate Process a Trust 1.3 Validate message synchronously.
public method ProcessTrust13ValidateResponse  
public method ProcessTrustFeb2005Cancel Process a Trust Feb 2005 Cancel message synchronously.
public method ProcessTrustFeb2005CancelResponse  
public method ProcessTrustFeb2005Issue Process a Trust Feb 2005 Issue message synchronously.
public method ProcessTrustFeb2005IssueResponse  
public method ProcessTrustFeb2005Renew Process a Trust Feb 2005 Renew message synchronously.
public method ProcessTrustFeb2005RenewResponse  
public method ProcessTrustFeb2005Validate Process a Trust Feb 2005 Validate message synchronously.
public method ProcessTrustFeb2005ValidateResponse  
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (Object에서 상속)
public method ToString  (Object에서 상속)
public method Validate Inherited from IContractBehavior. Implement to confirm that the contract and endpoint can support the contract behavior.

보호 메서드

  이름 설명
protected method BeginDispatchRequest  
protected method BeginProcessCore  
protected method CreateDispatchContext  
protected method CreateSerializationContext  
protected method DispatchRequest  
protected method EndDispatchRequest  
protected method EndProcessCore  
protected method Finalize  (Object에서 상속)
protected method FixMessageElement During WSDL generation, the method fixes a given operation message element to refer to the RST and RSTR elements of the appropriate WS-Trust version.
protected method GetRstSecurityTokenResolver  
protected method GetSecurityHeaderTokenResolver Returns the SecurityTokenResolver that resolves the following security tokens contained in the current WCF message request's security header: protection token, endorsing, or signed endorsing supporting tokens.
protected method HandleException Raises the Error Event and converts the given exception to a FaultException if required. If the original exception was a FaultException or PreserveOriginalException flag is set to true then the conversion to FaultException is not done.
protected method ImportSchema Imports all the required schema if not already present in the WSDL. The default implementation will import the following schemas, (a) WS-Trust Feb 2005. (b) WS-Trust 1.3 Derived classes can override this method to import other schemas.
protected method IncludeNamespace Adds the required WS-Trust namespaces to the WSDL if not already present.
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Object에서 상속)
protected method ProcessCore Handles Synchronous calls to the STS.
protected method ValidateDispatchContext  

공용 이벤트

  이름 설명
public event RequestFailed Occurs when a Failure happens processing a Trust request from the client.

참고 항목


WSTrustServiceContract 클래스
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust 네임스페이스

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